AquaMark3 Help!


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Why am I only getting 20,000? Help someone..

AMD Athlon 2800+
9800 PRO 128MB
1,536MB DDR 333

hmm, nevermind I'll read the thread below.. heh.
''frustration with the 9800 pro.. ''

thanks anyways
yeah man, when i enter aquamark I just run the benchmark and select "select measurement'' then click "1 Auqamark score measurement''
Default settings are used: 1024x768x32, NO FSAA, 4x Anistrophy, Max details
yep exactly...

man i think the problem is this AGP fastwrite.
i think thats soly the problem

some guy said he got fastwrite to turn on and stay on after reboot.. with intel accel. drivers he got.. those don't work for me..

and i think if i can get fastwrite to work.. i'll be getting 40,000+ scores
Gigabyte GA-7VT600(-L)
VIA KT600 Chipset
... I ran 3dMark03 and score a 6047.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
yep exactly...

man i think the problem is this AGP fastwrite.
i think thats soly the problem

some guy said he got fastwrite to turn on and stay on after reboot.. with intel accel. drivers he got.. those don't work for me..

and i think if i can get fastwrite to work.. i'll be getting 40,000+ scores

I don't think so man, I have fastwrite enabled. Plus if you think about it.. fastwrite only gives a small boost..
all i know, is fastwrite won't enable for me and i'm pissed

and thats a 1,000 pt difference dude, i get 5098 in 3dmark right now.
Can't guarantee this will help, or fix your problem, but I can tell you my card was performing well, but not so well in other things. I got the latest AGP drivers, and it works fine now (Scored 34139 in AquaMark3 on a 2500+ @ 2.083GHz with Radeon 9700)

Run that program, if the values come up as 0, you'd best update your AGP drivers, here's a link

It helped with my problem, and I'm running a VIA chipset as well, just thought I'd offer any insight I had :)
Thanks for the link Shuzer, we're one of a kind.. not many people still have VIA chipsets, lol. I think we both wish we had nForce, heh.
I know I do! But, I had a really tight budget, so I went with the A7V8X-X instead of the A7VNX-X, I have a friend who got the latter, and he said his BIOS talks to him, I'm jealous ;( lol, but anyway.. I've got my system running nicely, and for the price, I can't complain
Yeah, me too.. :D
I just uninstalled AquaMark3 and reinstalled my AGP drivers from the link you provided. I'm going to install AquaMark again and run..
'...::crosses fingers::..
omg i give up, i just flashed my bios with what i thought was more updated version... same thing can't get the FING fastwrite on..

suicide is the only option now.
Make sure the Direct3D "sliders" are set to "performance"... Made me go from 25,000 to 36,700!