Are Alienwares upgradeable?


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
I'm buying myself a spanking new top of the line Alienware for Christmas this year. I was wondering though, are Alienware's upgradeable on your own or will I be stuck with my parts, much like a dell system?
If your capable of upgrades yourself, why waste a large amount of money on such overpriced PCs
Alienware computers are massively, massively overpriced. Build one yourself and save a thousand dollars.
Since he seems rich why the hell not, go for it. And yes, they are upgradable. Most dells are too you just have to make sure you are buying compatible parts.
And if you're too lazy, use or ebay.
Go with Alienware. You can slap your bitch-friends and go. Huzzah! I have an Alienware PC!

Edit: Looking at the HP advert, it was all I could think... "It's HP, it's HP...".
Blackbird is worth every penny over Alienware, for those rich enough to afford, lazy asses and those who don't know or want to build one for themselves.