Are either of the "booster" packs worth getting?


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
I'm really loving BF2 right now, I like the maps just fine, but I'm wondering if it's really worth getting either of the two booster packs (and I mean those two 10 dollar ones, not Special Forces, I have that).
If you've got the spare cash then they'll give you some more fun times, but not really. If you have to pick between the two then definately go with AF, I hear the Little Bird is a blast to fly. Not a huge amount of servers running them either.
Hmm, yeah, I was kinda worried that the servers you guys played on may be AF, but I guess not. I suppose I'll just stick with Reg and Spec. Forces for the time being.
tbh... BF2 Vanilla > All.

But i did have fun with them both... more fun then i had with BF2: SF
Not really, the only one which is pretty good fun to play for some time is AF, because of the A10 and the littlebird helicopters are great. Otherwise normal BF2 is the most played/recognised.
Vanilla > all

but I enjoyed SF a lot for what it is. My friend and I would each play two different kits, one with a grappling hook, another with a zipline, and would squad up, and just climb all these places and pick people off. It was pretty fun.
IMO I say just stick with vanilla, and if you want to fly a littlebird I suggest trying out the Project Reality Mini-Mod. The mod is great, and realism is its priority; ie. no crosshairs.

But they added a few vehicles and many new maps. Also a new mode; Extraction. Basically a game of protecting a VIP using a Black Chevy:

and a Littlebird to guard the Chevy from the air:

And of course the normal HUMVEES.
But all in all, I say stick with Vanilla BF2 and just play with the MODS.
Link to Project Reality -
By the way, the mod is still under heavy development, there is still a lot more to come, hence the name "Mini-Mod" :rolleyes:
IMHO the only downside of Project Reality is that everytime you die it adds one second to your spawn time. This new regulation keeps you on your toes not to get shot. One quick easy shot can take you down, hence the realism of the mod.

Just try not to get killed and stay near cover.
Well it's not perfect, but it keeps me occupied and burns time away :rolleyes:
Those vehicles look pretty neat. I did not even know they had anything beyond special forces. I will have to investigate.
Those vehicles look pretty neat. I did not even know they had anything beyond special forces. I will have to investigate.

Keep in mind that the images above of the Littlebird and Chevy are images from the Project Reality Mini-Mod. Check out the official booster packs; Armored Fury and Euro Forces on the official BF2 Site.
Keep in mind that the images above of the Littlebird and Chevy are images from the Project Reality Mini-Mod. Check out the official booster packs; Armored Fury and Euro Forces on the official BF2 Site.

:laugh: I had a n00b moment. I thought those where actual images Thanks for the advise.
Yeah no prob, we all have our moments. But the images were of of the mod I was talking about, its available now for download by the way. Still a long way to go though, its still under a lot of development.

Check it out: