Are people too liberal?

Dunno, I don't know shite about politics, and I also have no idea why I posted here.
On the individual level. I find it hard to carry a serious political discussion with anyone I meet on the internet because they'r either "too left or right."

Are people too liberal?

yes, especially those anti-war-pro-choice-tree-hugging-animal-rights-gun-hating-hippy-vegan-atheist-lesbian-loving sob's
Ahh... its always been like this! Nothing to worry about! I dout that anyone is polliticaly neutral!
Gooo, social-democrats!! :laugh:
Good point. It's not that I care, but sometimes their babbling keeps me from having a serious discussion.
It wouldn't be any fun if everyone agreed on all subjects.
On some things definately too strict and on others definately too liberal. I find its best to always take individual problems and treat them seperately, when you try to group them together it ends up really doing nothing.
Personaly i like to be in the middle side (if you can call it athat way)!
Social-democrats thats what i usually vote for! Democrats are good too, yay EU!
CptStern said:
yes, especially those anti-war-pro-choice-tree-hugging-animal-rights-gun-hating-hippy-vegan-atheist-lesbian-loving sob's
lemme see... check, check, check, nope, nope, check, nope, check, check.
6/9. hmm.
yep. remind me to hate you if i ever meet you.

oh, and no. i don't think people are too liberal. of course that's about as far as you can get from an objective question.
Phisionary said:
lemme see... check, check, check, nope, nope, check, nope, check, check.
6/9. hmm.
yep. remind me to hate you if i ever meet you.

oh, and no. i don't think people are too liberal. of course that's about as far as you can get from an objective question.

well I'm 8/9, so there!
i'm about on the 'R' in "Left/Liberal".

but... if i concentrate really hard, i can move over to the 'E'. i think squinting helps too.

ok, so i think the chart is mostly silly. but kinda helpful too.

hmm. i've always wanted a way to classify and prejudge people. maybe i should give everyone i meet a copy, with a red pen, and make them mark a spot. and treat them accordingly. :P

CptStern said:
well I'm 8/9, so there!
hehe. i suspected... well, then. you're alright i guess :cheese:
great Avatar, btw. :laugh: :E
I don't think people are too liberal. But the news media definately is *cough*New York Times*cough*.
I would say that most individuals are not too liberal. I would go as far as saying that too many people are conservative, as well.

I've always wondered though, why "Liberal" is almost a dirty word in parts of america. And it seems that being a liberal in the US automatically labels you as a communistic anarchistic unpatriotic homosexual atheist vegan treehugger.
It seems that the classical sense of patriotism in the USA involves being a god-fearing militant heterosexual steak-loving capitalist.
CptStern said:
yes, especially those anti-war-pro-choice-tree-hugging-animal-rights-gun-hating-hippy-vegan-atheist-lesbian-loving sob's

Well, I'm and anti-war, pro-choice, gun hating, lesbian loving slob. Especially the lesbian part, they're awesome.

As for if people are too liberal, it depends on who you ask. For instance if you watch FOX news, then you would know that anyone who disagrees with anything Bush says is a traitor, who should immediately move to Canada. However, people in general are very centrist by nature, there's a minority that tend to dip too far (extremist) right or left.
smwScott said:
As for if people are too liberal, it depends on who you ask. For instance if you watch FOX news, then you would know that anyone who disagrees with anything Bush says is a traitor, who should immediately move to Canada.

I don't know about that chart. Some people'd place socialism higher, but further to the left than liberal (myself included). I guess it's just 'cuz there's so many different forms of socialism (as with any style of government).

Still, the nolan chart is better than the regular left-right style preferred by most people. What we need is a three-axis one, but I've yet to find a good one.

Personally I like democratic socialism (further left than social democracy). In my experience people are way too conservative, but I've got a small sample, so it doesn't really count.