Are there many women in HL2?


Aug 5, 2004
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I hope there are more women in HL2 beside Alyx. In that respect most games seem to be sexest. Just weird if you ask me. In real life, there is a 4:1 ratio of women to men. I still have problems getting one though. But thats beside the point.
originally there were plans to have equal men and women scientists in half-life 1 but they had to change it becuase of time or whatever
Games recently have payed more attenion of the fair sex, especially Deus Ex 2 which had a lot of female NPC's and I think HL2 will have it's fair share as well.
as far as we know there is two main characters that are women, alyx and mossman... also in the e3 trailors, in the apartments we saw a couple, so im guessing there will be many women.
I thought the ratio of women to men was something like 51-49.
HL2 will have them and it makes sense to have females in it (it's a city this time - not some super secret research facility). But you can't expect females in battlefield 1942 or something like that. (maybe as docs, but really - it's not required as such)
women are 52% of the worlds population, not 75% :-p

learn your ratios...
king John I said:
i thought you got women soldiers now?

There is a very interesting book about women in war. Especially one section covers some modern warfare with women. In most cases men, how to put this right, are too distracted by dead women and try to revieve them too long, and the generals don't like that. A very depressing book, to this day I don't understand why a single women would want to join the army. You have the choice, but for the love of God, don't take it. I've lived through a war and trust me, no country is worth dying for.
Head_Crab_04 said:
I hope there are more women in HL2 beside Alyx. In that respect most games seem to be sexest. Just weird if you ask me. In real life, there is a 4:1 ratio of women to men. I still have problems getting one though. But thats beside the point.

its always been a lot of men im computer games. You would think, well if men play computer games more, put in the women, but they always have men. I like to see some women in games becuase its more real that way, espeically in a game like this where your in a city. Main characters on the other hand, i would like to be a man, but an option is always cool, so you can try it out :p
Head_Crab_04 said:
I hope there are more women in HL2 beside Alyx. In that respect most games seem to be sexest.

Ok. I'm running around in a game killing mostly male NPCs. Which way is this sexist? Would female NPCs like equal opportunity for me to blast their heads off?

I could imagine some feminists like running around shooting all the guys.
well i wouldnt really like shooting the women, but seeing them around as normal civillians, and maybe once in a while one of the women would fight with the rest of us . It just seems more normal to see a lot of men using guns, might be a while before that the image of women fighting with guns in wars to become as normal as it is for men doing it.
there needs to be women, otherwise who would serve gordon and the men sandwiches?

'woman! get in that kitchen and make me a sandwich pronto!
Hehe, Alyx would probably shoot you if you said that to her!

I also don't remember too much female NPCs in the HL2 videos!
We'll have to wait and see!
Once I watched a documentary on Discovery, about women on the battelfield! They proved to be almost equal to men and in some tasks even better! I'd like to see more women in the game too!
Reaperman said:
women are 52% of the worlds population, not 75% :-p

learn your ratios...
Not to be anal, but his ratio would work out to women being 80% of the population, not 75%... :E

4:1 = 4 women for every 1 man = 80% women and 20% men...

"learn your ratios..." ;)
trantjd said:
Not to be anal, but his ratio would work out to women being 80% of the population... :E

4 women for every 1 man = 80% women and 20% men...

"learn your ratios..." ;)

Yeah, and if men were really that scarce, even men on this message board could get a date.
Democritus said:
Yeah, and if men were really that scarce, even men on this message board could get a date.
Hey now, I wouldn't go that far! ;)
I'm pretty sure i saw something like what lazicsavo was saying.. they don't like women in the army because most males react strangely when seeing a female get shot up or something, unlike other guys.
But then, theres always the tradition, its going to be ingrained for a looong time, about how women dont belong in combat (I would say they/we are probably not suited to actual combat as well as a male is, physically and maybe mentally... maybe flying planes or something though.. I'm not sure)
personally i think its just as practicall to shoot women and men equally as much, and i would be content doing so.

how can you tell the gender of the combine anyway?

maybe it just me but i show no remorse in killing a women as opposed to a man, and if you ask me, i hate tradition
king John I said:
personally i think its just as practicall to shoot women and men equally as much, and i would be content doing so.

how can you tell the gender of the combine anyway?

maybe it just me but i show no remorse in killing a women as opposed to a man, and if you as me, i hate tradition

Damn, I can't even get myself to slap a women (and trust me, anybody that had a girl friend for more than 3 months knows there are times when she drives you crazy - in the bad way), but here you are talking about killing guys. Have you actually ever seen a person get killed, much less you killing a person.
whoa there, i'm not actually killing people here, i'm saying i dont care for gender differences, put your feet back on the ground.

hell i woundn't want to slap a women anyway, but then i wouldn't want to slap a man, understand yet?
Eh, males are supposed to be protective when it comes to females. It's natural law, instinct, etc. It's only considered traditional because *insert long speech about the bad influences of organized religion in Europe*. Nothing wrong with being nice, is there? In RPGs, sometimes I play the chivalric hero who slaughters all men in his path and bows to all the ladies. Is it sexist? Maybe if you want to look at it that way. It is a way to hide deep-seated neuroses from traumatic childhood experiences? Perhaps. Is it wrong? Hey, if it's wrong, I don't wanna be right.
I think 75% of statistics are just made up as they go. But I wouldn't call a game sexist just because you don't kill women. Even as scientists it's just as easy to not put them there. Either there aren't enough women or the women are too "dolled up" and are a disgrace to real women. But yeah I'm sure there will be some female scientists. HL1 had those special secret black op agents that were chicks anyway.
I agree with bliink partially on the point of it being tradition. I am all for equality of the sexes, but there is just something I see in women participating in the military as morally and ethically wrong. Now by participation I mean women participating in the guerilla warfare, the hardcore stuff. I picture a woman in the rice patties in Vietnam or storming the beaches of Normandy and I can only think to myself that they aren't physically fit enough or mentally stable enough to do their duty. However, this is not always the case and sometimes women are more apt to do their duty than men are, but this is generally not the case
Women join the army for the same reason that men climb mount everest: because it's there.

PS: I'm super-anti army, by the way :)
from post above about guerrilla warfare:

see, thats what i dont think, exactly the oppersite in fact. Maybe i just dont like women getting away with not having to do that stuff, maybe i'm just plain right, yep thats it, i'm just right. Thought so.

Anyway, this is quite offtopic so it ends here. END.
You do understand that joining the military is voluntary? And if they were to join, they would have no choice if they were shipped overseas or anywhere else for that matter. This takes me back to the weeks before we decided to head into Iraq, with all the protesters saying things like "My son didn't join the military to fight" and people commenting on how they only joined the military to help pay for their college education. People like this need to be drug into the street and shot. I also think that if women want full participation rights in the army, they better be eligible for the draft as well.
Felmale fighters should stay out of the game I say, Alyx is enough. What kind of person would you be to make women fight on the streets of City 17? Thousands of years men did military service, and it should still be that way.
Head_Crab_04 said:
there is a 4:1 ratio of women to men. I still have problems getting one though. But thats beside the point.

isn't that the college ratio? Not overall?
No-one is gonna put women in a game unless it would make sense.

Having women in HL2 makes perfect sense. Even having them fight. The Combine looks like it just took over the city, so what, that means all women have somehow vanished?

No, that's not the case. And I'm sure women would fight to save not just a country, but the entire world from falling under rule of the Combine.

Edit: And why do people keep putting 2-3 lines of blank space after a quote?
vegeta897 said:
No-one is gonna put women in a game unless it would make sense.

Having women in HL2 makes perfect sense. Even having them fight. The Combine looks like it just took over the city, so what, that means all women have somehow vanished?

I agree, however, it would take no effort to write an extra nanite of plot in there to say 'most of the women and children escaped to refugee camps in Land X'

vegeta897 said:
No, that's not the case. And I'm sure women would fight to save not just a country, but the entire world from falling under rule of the Combine.

I would, but that would be the only time i would elect to participate in any kind of combat. It wouldnt be a hard descision to make however.

vegeta897 said:
Edit: And why do people keep putting 2-3 lines of blank space after a quote?

I don't know :)
We heard a woman fighting in the E32K4 strider scene, so we know that they do fight. Past wars have shown that in the most desperate of times any kind of person can find it in themselves to fight, even children.
trantjd said:
Not to be anal, but his ratio would work out to women being 80% of the population, not 75%... :E

4:1 = 4 women for every 1 man = 80% women and 20% men...

"learn your ratios..." ;)

i thought it said 3:1 ^_^ my mistake...

Theres Alyx, Mossman, Woman in the e32k4 apartment scene. Women in the strider battle. So it would be logical to assume you probably get more women alies. And the female assasins on the other side.
The inclusion of women tends to bring out more emotions in people. They have a nack for seeing things that men don't.