Are you a Type A or a Type B?


  • Type the "A"

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Type the "B"

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Neither really describes me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some of both.

    Votes: 7 36.8%

  • Total voters


Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
There is two defined categories of personality.

Type A

1. Insatiable desire to achieve one's goals
2. Strong willingness to compete in all situations
3. Strong desire for recognition and advancement
4. Desire to multitask under time constraints
5. Always in a rush to finish activities
6. Above average mental and physical alertness

If you are

1) Frequently doing more than one thing at a time

2) Urging others to hurry up and finish what they are saying

3) Becoming very irritated when traffic is blocked or when you are waiting in line

4) Gesturing a lot while talking

5) Having a hard time sitting with nothing to do

6) Speaking explosively and using obscenities often

7) Playing to win all the time, even in games with children

8) Becoming impatient when watching others carry out a task.
Type B

* Relaxed
* Likelier than a Type A personality to be patient
* Creative and imaginative
* Inclined to self-analyze

So what are you?

EDIT: Damn, I forgot the poll.
And I'm a Type A.
Definately B, though I gesture a lot, and speak "explosively".
I only read type A. If type B means lazy, I'm type B.
Hmm, bit of a fishy way of classifying personalities if you ask me. I'm definitely laid back, so type B, but I'm also competitive in games and contests.
Now that I look at it, a little bit of both. Whoever made those two categories are **** wits.
Type C. Bits of A, bits of B. Whoever worked this system out is a f***ing tool.
lePobz said:
Type C. Bits of A, bits of B. Whoever worked this system out is a f***ing tool.

That would be a certain Mr. Friedman and the system is very accurate for me.
Like others said, this is stupid. I swear a lot, but only for the fun of it. I never get impatient or anything.

I'm C XD
...I thought these were called extroverts and introverts.

Oh, wait. THEY ****ING ARE.

Just look at the descriptions. Type B exemplifies introverts, and it's very narrowly defined. Everyone else fits into Type A.

Worst personality dichotomy ever.
This is one of the worst set of classification guidelines ever. I have heavy traits from both types, but I fit B more completely.
I speak my mind as often as I feel the need to.
I always imagine things so much easier than they actually are.
I'm pretty self absorbed, but I do honestly care about someone else.
I like to think I'm funny, but more of a quipper than a stand up comedian.
I seriously lack common sense, I do everything based on previous experience. If I've had no experience with it, I'm sure to fail.
I've a taste for the dramatic and cinematic.
I hate my upper body 'cept the face.
I love my penis.
I love my legs!
I love my hair!
I love my eyes!
I love thinking about deep shit.

Type Zombie :O
I fit everything in type B but I am very competative and like to win. I don't get all spazzed out and start screaming during CS games or anything though.
Type A Traits
1. Insatiable desire to achieve one's goals - Pretty much.
2. Strong willingness to compete in all situations - Sometimes, not all situations though.
3. Strong desire for recognition and advancement - Admittedly. Which is a small part of the reasons I whore myself around these forums.
4. Desire to multitask under time constraints - I guess?
5. Always in a rush to finish activities - Not usually. I have huge procrastination problems. I'm not proud of being lazy, like some people, but it's so hard to get myself to do things unless I want to.
6. Above average mental and physical alertness - Mental, yes. Physical, average.

Type B Traits
* Relaxed - Not really.
* Likelier than a Type A personality to be patient - Negligible.
* Creative and imaginative - Very, or I'd like to think so anyway.
* Inclined to self-analyze - To the extreme.

Like I said, I cannot be remotely clearly delineated.

I'm a Type B personality with some Type A traits, that managed to adapt and teach himself to be Type A externally to cope with society. Honestly!
SearanoX said:
I would throw myself into the Type B category, but both categories are nowhere near specific enough to really provide any sort of proper analysis.
I substitute your answer for my own.
I think Ennui had a good idea for those of you who would say that they are a mix of Type-A and B Personality traits.

1. Insatiable desire to achieve one's goals
* [ Depends upon the goal, and my perception of how much work is needed to progress to it. If the goal is worthwhile, but the work is difficult, I'll test the waters of the task. ]

2. Strong willingness to compete in all situations
* [ I compete for reasons other then thrill. To me, competition is more or less a challenge of all one has learned or practised either mentality or physically to that point. I compete when called upon, or when I need to practise. ]

3. Strong desire for recognition and advancement
* [ For certain aspects, yes. For others not so much. ]

4. Desire to multitask under time constraints
* [ If there is an order for the tasks, and I understand them from practise or personal experience, I can balance them out based upon how much attention or physical work is needed to complete them. ]

5. Always in a rush to finish activities
* [ If a rush is whats needed. If not, then I will use whatever speed is adequate to finish the activity ]

6. Above average mental and physical alertness
* [ Yes. ]

If you are

1) Frequently doing more than one thing at a time
* [ Sometimes at work, its all I can do. ]

2) Urging others to hurry up and finish what they are saying.
* [ I don't ever recall doing this to someone. I respect the person speaking. ]

3) Becoming very irritated when traffic is blocked or when you are waiting in line
* [ Nope. ]

4) Gesturing a lot while talking
* [ Depends upon how exciting or important the stuff is I'm talking about. ]

5) Having a hard time sitting with nothing to do.
* [ If I don't have anything to do, I fap. I'm like a bear in that respect. Ate? Check. Nap? Check? Fap. Then Nap. ]

6) Speaking explosively and using obscenities often
* [ **** no, bitches. I don't, honestly. Thought my post was too drab and serious, so you know, I had to do something besides being too honest. ]

7) Playing to win all the time, even in games with children
* [ Thats how people learn. Hit them with your hardest, and they'll adapt to become better. ]

8) Becoming impatient when watching others carry out a task.
* [ Sorta. I want to help too, or have something to do alongside them. ]

Type B

(1) Relaxed
* [ If I know everythings been handled, but relaxation for me is writing, listening to music, or droning out watching Television or gaming. ]

(2) Likelier than a Type A personality to be patient
* [ More patient in reguards to certain aspects. I'm not the rude impatient, but I'am one who hates wasting his time. ]

(3) Creative and imaginative
* [ I'am. I've made most of my Paintball Gear from scrap or personal research. Same with the skins and sound mods I make for my Day of Defeat Clan. ]

(4) Inclined to self-analyze
* [ I have to. A man needs to know when he's wrong, and when change is nessecary. ]
Those Jungian personality tests from a while back are a much better way of approximating a person's character.

Edit: Here it is. Ricera10's post on page 2 has the cool link. Beware of gigabumping, that thread is ancient.
gah, I hate these tests

we had to do this one in psychology, it's a bunch of bs.

with all of these test you can predetermine your result just by reading the questions, including your own self bias.
Well, to an extent, but since there's 16 different character templates under that model it's not all that easy to guide yourself to a specific result or figure out what kind of result you're even aiming for. Here are profiles of the 16 different Jungian thingies: I find it better than 'Type A' and 'Type B' anyhoo.
mood switches, im partly physcopathic...(seriously, ask anyone else here in my chuirch and singapore...WOODBRIDGE FOR EVAH!)