Are you addicted to the internet?

Are you addicted to the internet?

  • I live in the tubes...

    Votes: 20 27.4%
  • Yeah, I spend too much time here...

    Votes: 36 49.3%
  • I come and go as I please.

    Votes: 12 16.4%
  • Nope.

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Where am I again?

    Votes: 4 5.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
I find myself spending hours on here even though I have things I should be doing instead... Bored? maybe... Addicted? I think so. :borg:

I live in the tubes...
maybe, but it depends what I'm doing, I generally just screw around on the internet in my free time, or just play a game - but if I have something to do, I'll do it ;p
Hell yes.

With friends either being at work or tied up with other stuff it's all I've got to do, other than watch tv or play video games. It's all right.

I have you bastards to make things interesting. Surprise sechs cakes. <3
I've been addicted to the interwebs ever since I entered college.
Yeah, though right now, I have a lot of stuff to keep me away from it... good or bad...I don't know! :angel:
My addiction to the internet comes and goes. As of right now, I'm bored with it. It seems like there's not much to do here except to flame on random forums. A couple weeks from now, I'll have something to do.

Last time my internet didn't work one morning, literally every 5 minutes I would forget that my internet didn't work and open my browser to look something up.

I was like "god this is boring without the internet... ill listen to some music." and then not 2 minutes later i opened up my browser to try and look up the lyrics of one of the songs, forgetting that my internet was down. DOH.
Internet feels kinda boring nowdays :(

I do spend quite a lot of time on it though, but only becouse I have nothing more fun to do. There is a lot of stuff I would stop surfing for in a heartbeat.

I get da shakes if I'm away too long.
If there is something better to do outside the house then i will do it gladly
I don't need to be on here 24/7 but i need my daily fix. >>
Badger, wtf... facebook is cleary the superior timesink :E
Addicted to myspace.

Badger, wtf... facebook is cleary the superior timesink :E

People at my uni use Myspace more so it's my weapon of choice :E

What the hell is that?
its teh emo kid

I need a daily fix of internet, a fortnightly fix of porn and an hourly fix of and myspace

i also have msn because i have friends =]
Not at all. I do most of my posting at work, and can get "choice" DVD's from most of the guys I know. I'm still an old school teletext flicker for cinema times and the like. :)

i also have msn because i have friends =]
That's what the pub is for. :D
/looks at postcount...

I Think I live in the tubes tbh
/looks at post count...



Yeah, tubes.
Can someone please tell me

People at my uni use Myspace more so it's my weapon of choice :E

Ahhh man, facebook is where half of the students here live... seems every thursday/saturday morning there's incriminating pictures of me posted from the night before :naughty:
I wouldn't really say addicted. If there's something better to do, I always leave. But, if I'm doing homework or something, I find it hard to concentrate. I'll do one question, and find myself back on the computer. So I answered yes.
I spend to much time on Myspace and just roaming around on the internet.