Of Course,
Wait They Arn't Giving It To Me For Free? Of Course I Am and you thought I would have ended this like I ended the one in the playstation forum? Ha.
Wii is the only console right now that doesn't seem like it's trying to con me with marketing blitz.
I have to admit. I've always been a big fan of Nintendo, but when they first announced the Revolution I was on the wall. However, since E3 Nintendo has managed to impress me, and Metroid Prime 3 as a launch title sealed the deal.
Just like the dual-screen I would like my 5 year old nephew to own one (sadly he doesn't) so I would always know what to buy him for presents (games). I'm not 5 years old anymore, so no wii for me.
Definately. I just love the idea of the console being open to Indy devs to make their own games for the console and release them on Virtual Console. It's going to be a blast, I'll prolly be spending more time developing cool minigames than to actually play it
Voted most likely, but leaning towards yes. Sorta wanna give it a couple weeks and see if it's everything it's cracked up to be before I go ahead and buy one, but... there's just so much going for it, I dunno if I'll be able to hold out