Are You DUMB!?

w00t, i got em all ^_^
I'm not dumb.
Three was easy
One was hard
(for only 5 seconds)
hah "congratulations. you are not dumb." haha got 'em. btw that is hilarious... "5 are dumb, 4 are you dumb, 3 are you dumb.."
It wasnt a trick question :-/
If you take 2 apples, you have two apples

As you can see, I am not dumb.
I was smart first, therefore you bow down before me. NOW!
psh.. he phrased it all wrong... *Cries*... I blame his Asian accent... I couldnt... uhh ... understand him...
I'm afraid of trick questions now.
What if they mess up my life?
I was watching Maximum Exposure and they had all these girls taking their shirts off and their boobs were censored with smilie faces and the guy asked, "How many bare breasts were there?". He then said there were none because they were all censored.
Oh fu...
I missed the colour one. He is callimg me dumb, and he spells you with U
XD I love threads about intelligence; nobody can make gramatical errors without it being pointed out.
Ikerous said:
XD I love threads about intelligence; nobody can make gramatical errors without it being pointed out.

Ikerous that line was too long for your poetic nature. whats going on dude? :rolling:
All my posts have been like this today :( I dont know whats going on.
Ikerous said:
All my posts have been like this today :( I dont know whats going on.
Lets try to keep it that way. You're learning well. ;)
ahhhahahaa :laugh:

i got 2/3 wtf 1 apple take away 2 u left with 1 wtf


Oh man, his "ARE YOU DUMBs?" threw me off so easily :(

I knew that last one was a "trick" question, but I couldn't stand his ARE YOU DUMB, ARE YOU DUMB?

I guess I'm dumb :o

That's what I get for thinking logically :P
If you thought logically; you would have gotten it correct.
Im not dumb, not because I got 3/3, but because being dumb really means something like not being able to talk because of deafness er something...So really, NONE OF YOU ARE DUMB UR JUST IDIOTS LIKE Ritz!!11...unless you cant something :rolling:
HAH the bastard didn't get me. Oh no! Pure luck on the first question though. Almost top grades in 3 Swedish courses & top grades in 2 English & I still don't know wtf a syllible (sp?) is or what the Swedish word for it is. But I picked the right answer anyway :E