Are you hyped right now?


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
To tell you the truth, I'm not that hyped about HL-2 atm.
Although last September I was going to bed early every day just to pass the time. :hmph:


Early Sep: 9/10 hype.
"Holiday release" 7/10 hype.
Source Code theft: 5/10 hype.
April target release: 3/10 hype
The long wait": 1/10 hype. (almost completely forgot about HL-2)
"Summer release 2/10 hype.
Right now: Back at 3/10.

I am more excited for the game now i've seen some cs:s vids then i have been for a good few months
I'd certainly like to play it ASAP, but I still need to finish DOOM 3 and play the Myst IV: Revelation demo, so I'm not exactly chomping at the bit.
I'm a bit hyped, I'm more excited about the computer I'm getting sometime next week.
Around August/September I was so hyped up it was scary... now, I'm looking forward to it, but wouldn't be bothered if it were delayed a further few months tbh :( The delay has kinda ruined it for me, but I'm sure it's gonna be worth the wait
ive maintained a good level of hype simply because there has been no other game that in my opinion comes close to the quality of gameplay that seems almost guranteed in HL2.
CS:S is hyping me up... especailly the fact that I will go to a cafe today or tommrow.
Murray_H said:
I am more excited for the game now i've seen some cs:s vids then i have been for a good few months
I dont even like CS and I feel the exact same...

WHERE ARE THE BULLET DECALS ON PLAYER MODELS?!?! thats one thing that is bothering me.
Mr. Redundant said:
I dont even like CS and I feel the exact same...

WHERE ARE THE BULLET DECALS ON PLAYER MODELS?!?! thats one thing that is bothering me.

Monsters ate them. :burp:

I really can't wait to get my hands on something HL2 related
Murray_H said:
Monsters ate them. :burp:

I really can't wait to get my hands on something HL2 related

I can give you one of my 10 HL2 posters? ;)

All I want, is to get CS:Source and start the reviewing, and spend time on the wait of hl2. :)
the game is just MEH to me now...I am looking foward to better games now.
estling said:
I can give you one of my 10 HL2 posters? ;)

All I want, is to get CS:Source and start the reviewing, and spend time on the wait of hl2. :)
where the hell did you get hl2 posters from?
Im hyped, but not as hyped as I was back in September. If we had a exact release date then I sure everyones hype would go back to 10.

With that said, I havn't ever been more hyped for any other game.
i am teh ub3r hyp3d ... maybe if someone could play cs:s on a decent machine that would be kinda nice ... but i guess not cause lan centers are teh ghey
I am very excited for HL2 now because of all the activity from CS:S and the HL2 preload. That has to be a sign of how soon it will be coming. I was out of HL2 for awhile between early spring to about mid-July. Now I am very excited, if I were to rate it, I would say my excited level would be a 4... out of 5... :afro:

Im definitley more pumped about it.. from all the info and css footage that has been coming out recently its definitley close, mid-late sep isnt that far. :cheers:
Mr. Redundant said:
where the hell did you get hl2 posters from?

He got them from valve, they simply mailed 'em to him, he's going to hand some of them out to staff, hopefully I'll get one of them then. :)

I'm not that hyped up for the game right now. I was probably among the top 10 hyped up people back in september though.
Not right now. Just eager and looking forward to the gold announcement or firm release date by valve. I will be hyped alot one week before the release date. :D