Are you living in the real world

Are you living your life?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • no

    Votes: 29 64.4%

  • Total voters


May 28, 2003
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How many of you feel like you are out there, grown up, living life?

I feel like I'm always prepearing for something that's coming next but never comes. I'm always studying or saving or working or getting ready for "my future" but maybe the future never gets here.

PS If you've got a life going on, what are you doing on internet forums?
well i'm a 'student' and work part time in a nightclub paying rent off of student loan and getting by, by paying bills and for food on my wage

i'd say i'm half and half really...i'm not one of these students that just coasts on by without work
No. Real life would swallow me whole and spit out the parts it didn't like.
Real world is like a bitch which has swallowed my childhood and spit out the man.
yes. i dont spend much time on forums at all nowadays.. i mostly use the computer for music
I feel like I'm always prepearing for something that's coming next but never comes. I'm always studying or saving or working or getting ready for "my future" but maybe the future never gets here.

try enjoying whats happening in the now or you'll waste your life preparing for the future
Yes i am, got a part-time job, in Uni studying, got a girlfriend, life is going good and stuff :)
no way, I'm a tard at life. One could even say I fail at real life.
Wow, depressing poll.

Not really, all plans at the moment. Really not sure how things're gonna go once they get off the ground, but I guess that's half the fun.

Kinda been getting down on myself again lately though, I was doing alright up until then. Oh well, moping won't do me any good (even if I am a pro at it :D).
Techincally, yes, mentally, no. I always love to watch movies, and then daydream I was there. Real world is really no fun :(
Yes. I'm around 9 years into a successful career ("real-life" word there already!!), i own my own home and when i'm not working i divide my time between hanging out with my gf or my friends or doing the mundane day-to-day stuff like laundry, grocery shopping and house-work. In fact, it's only when i'm do those mundane things that i realise i'm living a "real" life.
In college so no.

But I have a feeling I'll be the same way the OP feels.

Perhaps best summed up by a recent movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" (spelled correct)

Christopher Gardner (Will Smith) said:
And it was at that time that I thought about Thomas Jefferson writing that Declaration of Independence. Him saying that we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And I thought about how he knew to put the 'pursuit' in there, like no one can actually have happiness. We can only pursue it.

Essentially implying life is always a pursuit of something better.,_liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_happiness
In college so no.

But I have a feeling I'll be the same way the OP feels.

Perhaps best summed up by a recent movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" (spelled correct)

Essentially implying life is always a pursuit of something better.,_liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_happiness

bullshit. of course you can have happiness. the problem is people pursue it rather than find reasons to have it right now, constantly looking into the future rather than enjoying what they have right now..
bullshit. of course you can have happiness. the problem is people pursue it rather than find reasons to have it right now, constantly looking into the future rather than enjoying what they have right now..

Well exactly.

That's the definition of it. Some people operate better with goals in life, so it works for them, but often they forget to remember and be happy with what they have.
Yes, I do.

I'm a student, unemployed, but I still have to worry about rent/bills/laundry etc, the relentlessly mundane.

I am sad that soon enough I'll have to leave uni, which is a damn shame, as it's been the best time of my life by a mile.
Techincally, yes, mentally, no. I always love to watch movies, and then daydream I was there. Real world is really no fun :(
Heh, I love living in fantasies too. Atleast I used to daydream about that stuff alot. I think video games have killed my imagination a little bit though, since it's now possible to live those things out in a more real way.

Games never offer the same freedom as dreams do, though. But dreams are fleeting...
I'm going to say "no". I'll go so far as to say that the "real world" sucks absolute ass for me, and my total lack of enthusiasm for engaging in it is one of the reasons I attend therapy.

University was, bar none, the most disappointing and soul-crushing experience I've had thus far in my life. My various positions of employment are tedious and aggravating, and not necessarily because of the work itself. I just find myself despising everybody I come into contact with. The few times I've felt "alive" or happy have almost always been with my infrequent returns to more familiar territory. And after recently seeing my parents divorce after 16 years of being utterly consumed by the worrisome and driving force of financial responsibility and maturity, I've developed the mindset that all effort from this point forward is going to be at sustaining misery at a level bearable enough so I don't blow my brains out.

My preference is to be insular and disconnected from reality and "life" in general.
I spent a few years on Zoloft for my OCD, I've been off it for over a year now and I'm just now coming out of my shell.
I dont know. I spend most of my time on my computer... which would suggest i dont, but at the same time, I do have friends and I do hang out with them. I guess I dont really care if im living in "real" life... because I am happy with my life now, real or not.