Argh... >_<


Companion Cube
Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
I'm in the mood to play some BF2. I install it and install the 1.12 patch. Double click on the icon and the game starts to load (Screen goes black) then it just closes and returns me to desktop.
I'm not sure why.
Anyone had any similar problems like this? maybe with this patch and they know the fix?
Do i have to install 1.03 first or something?
I'm gonna unistall and reistall see if it will load without the patches...

Any help is appreciated.
when it closes you down to the desk top it should just have minimized it, So just go down to the bottom and click on the minimized thing that says BF2
Nah, it closes. Nothing on the task bar at the bottom.
I'm not that computer illeterate ;) :P

EDIT: It works without the patches installed. Do i have to install each patch thats been released in order or something?
lol ok just makin sure, Hummmm I dont know then, Im not to good at these types of things sorry I could not help
I had problems with patch 1.12 also. I did each patch in succession, and it still didnt work. I then just reinstalled patch 1.12, and it worked. Dont know why, maybe there was a problem with the patcher. Try just reinstalling 1.12.
Just tried what Krynn said and it's still a no-no... :(
I also checked the event viewer in the administative tool in control panel. No errors have appeared...

*sorry for double post*
hmmm, have you tried talking/emailing EA? they might have an answer
I haven't spoke to EA, nope. Thought i'd ask here seeing as one of you might have had a similar problem...

And i have 2 BFG 7800 GT's... i've tried it with both SLi on and off... rest of my specs are in my sig.
nah m8, look at my system 2 7800gtx SLI

its all to do with your drivers...

do you have the latest driver ?
Just downloaded and installed the 81.95 drivers (didn't know there was a newer version)
Still no luck though. :(

I contacted EA... Just waiting for a responce.

Any more ideas?

Thanks again guys!
well, EA should respond by tomorrow or sunday, when or if you get a response you should tell us what the hell was wrong
Seen this problem before- its something to do with resolution- try mucking around with your desktop res, and then if you get it going much around with the ingame res, and suit it to what you prefer on your desktop.
Got a responce from EA. They said i should update my motherboard (which to my knowledge is already up-to-date) then unistall DX 9 and my graphics card drivers. Then reinstall my gfx drivers and DX 9 and try some toher stuff. He made quite a lengthy reply.

I'll try tonight when i get home and let you guys know.
Updating my Nforce drivers and reinstalling my display drivers and Direct X fixed the problem.
Now i can enjoy BF2 with everything on full in a super-high-res... gah, never looked that good before i swear :P
Thanks for the help though :)