Argh, why don't my video files play?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Is there something in the latest version of windows media viewer that prevents video files from playing? For some reason, after downloading it, none of my video files. No i'm not talking about porn, or ripped movies. I'm talking anything that plays in windows media player, like downloaded game trailers from the internet, etc. Sound files work in it, just no video files. All my drivers are updated, I uninstalled and reinstalled.

Perhaps it is my Realplayer trying to take over my system. Realplayer works, but windows media player no longer does. Grrrrr. In response to anyone that just responds saying windows media player sucks... it's never been bad for me until now, so I haven't had any hatred for it. The video files just say they are playing, and the screen remains black without the bar actually going across the screen.


Ignore this post if you want =P
It's not WMP that sucks, It's Realplayer that blows horse cock.

Anyway are you sure it's not a .mov file?

Do you have the latest DivX version?

try using the Core Media Player.
Yeah I have the latest version of windows media player. =(

Nothing I do works. i'll try that other program you talked about.

EDIT: Nope, Core Media player doesn't work either. So odd! This is the same for ALLLL my media files that worked before. And no, they aren't .mov or anything either. They are working fine before.

Also, why is this in the gaming section? I coulda swore I made this in the off topic section!
One of the things I liked about windows media player, was that it was very simple to use. I open a file, press play or pause or stop. That's all there was to it. Nothing was lost in a sea of other options. I really have no use for all that fancy stuff that winamp, core media player etc has, but if they at least play it, its better than nothing.
Sounds like you are in need of a certain codec. Check the file with gspot, then download and install the appropriate codec. Download and install the klite codec pack if you haven't already. In addition you may need the xvid or wm9 codec. Here are some helpful google searches:"what+is+a+codec""k+lite+codec+pack""wm9+codec"
Try VideoLan, that baby runs every movie format ever, if it doesn't run it, it's corrupt or incomplete.