

Dec 22, 2003
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I have this major problem with arguing, where even if I know I'm wrong I still debate anyway. It's quite absurd, but it's a personality flaw I can't excise. A lot of people say the arguing bit is hilarious, especially when it is about the most asinine topics.

Does anyone else have this "arguing disease?" Keep in mind I'm talking about relatively extreme cases here.
I know I'm wrong I still debate anyway


Hahahaha, you're kinda like me... wait no, I know that I'm always right. Until corrected, that is.

I like to argue and defend things, but I only do so when I know (think) they're 'right'.
I used to do the same thing, dude.

You're contradictory just for the sake of the argument.

You just have to resist the urge dude.
One could say it is he who is me. Unless it was anyone except myself, because than just wouldn't work.
everybody thinks they're a master-debater...because the point you're arguing always makes sense to you. Kinda like how everybody thinks they're an awesome driver because they can't see all the stupid stuff they do since they aren't aware they did it (like the other drives are).

I really enjoy debating, as opposed to arguing where everybody just yells their opinions surrounded by stereotypes, racial slurs, and curse words, but it seems that most of people I run into are arguers.
everybody thinks they're a master-debater...because the point you're arguing always makes sense to you. Kinda like how everybody thinks they're an awesome driver because they can't see all the stupid stuff they do since they aren't aware they did it (like the other drives are).

I really enjoy debating, as opposed to arguing where everybody just yells their opinions surrounded by stereotypes, racial slurs, and curse words, but it seems that most of people I run into are arguers.

I don't think I'm a master-debater, on the contrary. Just that I reflexively argue. I don't enjoy debating, it's more of an impulse if anything.
I have that problem. I ALWAYS jump into arguments with people for S&Gs and don't even figure it out. Pisses me off, gotta just try to stop, all you can do. :(
My brother has it. Even if he's 100% clueless about the topic at hand, he'll argue like he knows everything about it, and he's never wrong. This has lead me to not talk to or call him that often. I have better things to do with my time.

So yeah, while it might seem "humorous" to some, just remember there are probably more that find it extremely annoying and won't associate with you as much.
This thread needs to move to the Political section. I think Max35 would do good there.
I may have something similar. When someone says something I disagree with, I tend to state what I believe as fact, e.g: "No, its this and that.", rather than "I think its this and that."
Look at you and your little banana face. So CUTE.
Our avatars' eyebrows are almost identical. If only mine were pixelated.
Holy shit. We should make LED boards of your avatars, put them around major cities, and see what happens.
No...I mean yours. I already did it with mine.
I find winding people up hillarious for the most part.
Unfortunately most of the time it's friends, who don't appreciate it.
On the Internet I'll argue a point if I think I'm right.

In real life I'll be like "yea...maybe..." or a similar phrase which fits the situation.
everybody thinks they're a master-debater...because the point you're arguing always makes sense to you. Kinda like how everybody thinks they're an awesome driver because they can't see all the stupid stuff they do since they aren't aware they did it (like the other drives are).

I really enjoy debating, as opposed to arguing where everybody just yells their opinions surrounded by stereotypes, racial slurs, and curse words, but it seems that most of people I run into are arguers.

Lies, I know I do stupid stuff.

Sometimes I wish I had a sign to hold up that said "Sorry I inconveinenced you with my in-attentive driving, I hope you will forgive me."
It's called being obstinate. Even if you know you're wrong you keep defending your position, either because you don't want to lose/back down, or you'd rather not believe that your point is wrong.

Either that or you just really like to argue, to the point where you don't care who's right and who's'd just rather keep "playing the game."
I can't argue for shit mostly because even if I'm right I can't come up with good arguments untill the next day. After I have cried myself to sleep that is