Arizona Abortion Bills Pass; redefines life as 2 weeks BEFORE conception


May 5, 2004
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The Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill to prohibit abortions after the 18th week of pregnancy; a bill to protect doctors from being sued if they withhold health information about a pregnancy that could cause a woman to seek an abortion; and a bill to mandate that how school curriculums address the topic of unwanted pregnancies.
The 18th week bill includes a new definition for when pregnancy begins. All of the bills passed the Senate and now head to Gov. Jan Brewer (R) for her signature or veto. Passage of the late-term abortion bill would give Arizona the earliest definition of late-term abortion in the country; most states use 20 weeks as a definition.
A sentence in the bill defines gestational age as "calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman," which would move the beginning of a pregnancy up two weeks prior to conception.

religion is a force for good and has everyone's best interest in mind.
da fuk?

Sometimes I wish we let the south secede. You're making us look bad damnit.
Why don't they just come out and declare the uterus to be government property?
America do everyone a favour and have a revolution and split into like, say, five smaller countries.
So would a 'regular' homicide be treated as multiple homicides if the victim was fertile? Victim could have been on his or her way to knockin' out some triplets over the weekend, and now you've killed four people.
The more I think about this, the funnier it gets.

Because I mean, technically, this is in direct defiance of the laws of causality (if an event happens at t = 0, the consequences of the event cannot happen before t = 0). So the Arizona government have taken it upon themselves to break the laws of physics! Hurrah!

I mean, technically, I'm pregnant now, hypothetically...or at least, whether or not I'm pregnant now depends on my future travel? I think my brain is leaking.
Umm, it's rather strange to read such a biased statement from huffingtonpost, but you people do realize that the bill isn't actually defining life as 2 weeks before conception right?
Gestational age is commonly predicted from the last menstrual period of a woman, or "LMP", because it's the last date a woman surely knows she wasn't pregnant. Cycles are in average 28 days or 4 weeks (beginning with menstruation); Ovulation happens mid-cycle (14th day or 2nd week in a 28-day cycle), so what ever age you calculate for the fetus based on LMP is about 2 weeks longer than the actual fetal age.
Now that doesn't mean the bill is defining life as 2 weeks before conception! It means it's defining late term abortion after 18 weeks of gestational age based on LMP, or 16 weeks fetal age, instead of 20 and 18 respectively.
Ironically, that's about the same time you can first hear it's heart beat with a stethoscope..