Armed guards at a church day care center?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Now... I'm one to be pro religion, but why the heck would a church need armed guards to protect the children of its so called day care camp? Certainly one of the most bizarre stories i've heard all week, although this news article is likely a bit old. Still, noteworthy nonetheless.

Lets not turn this thread into yet another religion bashing thread please. Just post about the specific church itself.
Pressure said:
Why is God's name do they need armed gaurds lol.

Spokesman Charles Bennett would not say what types of weapons they carry and exactly how many guards are employed. Bennett said church officials say that the state is overstepping boundaries to exert ''power'' over the church, including what the church perceives is an ''atheist'' agenda.

Bennett said the guards are on the premises ''just to have that presence'' and also to keep away criminals who would seek to vandalize the church buildings. The armed guards are present both day and night, he said.
Sounds like we may possibly have another Norman Olson, see below

Norman Olson, a regional militia commander in northern Michigan, has envisioned violence erupting if present government policies continue. Olson, a Baptist minister who owns a gun shop, declared: "We're talking about a situation where armed conflict may be inevitable if the country doesn't turn around." (Emphasis added.) Most often the central issue of the militants has been the legality of guns themselves. Clearly, their deeper suspicions and terrors should be of concern: Is their militant cause merely the alleged gun-toting "right" of citizens? -- or is it the "turning around" of the U.S. itself from what the militants see as the "treasonous" direction of the federal government's present policies? What are the policies these people see as "treason?"

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