armored service ribbon


Jun 28, 2004
Reaction score
20 minutes in an armor vehicle in a round
19 kills in an armor vehicle in a round

now why havent i gotten this yet? Just the other day in karkand i went 35-0 in an apc and i didnt get it. I have also went clear over 20 kills in a tank also.

Anyone else having trouble getting this ribbon?
i've never got it and the only vehicle i use is the tank with a hill death ratio of 3.5 - 1 in armour
suprised am i
The problem is the round usually ends before the 20 minutes. Did they lower the time requirement, I thought it was 35 minutes or something. No matter. Find an underpopulated 64-player server and whore the tank.

Et voilà.
Did you actually spend 20 minutes in the armor in the round? That's where it can get you. It's not total time of 20 min, it's in the round alone.
i've never gone after any of my medals so i wouldn't know - my answer is i no
amish do you not play any more? never see you on xfire anymore
john3571000 said:
i've never gone after any of my medals so i wouldn't know - my answer is i no
amish do you not play any more? never see you on xfire anymore

I've been taking a break from BF2 lately I guess. I've been playing RE4, FEAR and B&W2 :P Lots of SP action so I don't hop on xfire.
Yeah, the only problem was the time limit in one round. Most maps end too fast.
no im sure i was in it longer then 20 mnutes, its just weird i havent gotten it yet
Yeah ive had trouble getting this ribbon, and the air defence badge too. UBAR says 5mins in a round, but it must be 5mins without getting off/out of the air defence, because i've done 5mins in a round easily and never got it.
bryanf445 said:
no im sure i was in it longer then 20 mnutes, its just weird i havent gotten it yet
what i did was i got a stopwatch and timed myself, i got all the kills and just went riding around, when i died i stopped the clock and started it again when i got back in. so try that if it doesnt work then who knows...
No, it says In A Round. So that's the entire round....glitch obviously :(