Army of Two trailer

Could be fun, but more pre-rendered trailers FTFL.

And what exactly does this one bring to the table that is new or truly next-gen?? I you?
I never said anything like that. I just said it looks cool.
Well for one the whole game is designed for co-op. Even without a real person playing with you its a AI the whole game.
When for one the whole game is designed for co-op. Even without a real person playing with you its a AI the whole game.
Hmm, I guess we'll see how next-gen-like that AI behaves then, eh?

I hope that's not all they are bringing us that is new and/or different....
I'm really sick of these pre-rendered/non-gameplay trailers. The only one I've ever liked enough to bother watching more than once was the Bioshock one, because it's not "explosion lol our game is so badass" or "super awesome hero with super dramatic music". It's a really shocking horror scene that shows what the game is all about. Plus they showed us some real gameplay first. All these other ones are marketing BS.
Didn't watch the trailer, but I could explain a bit about the game.

The game is entirely 100% co-op. You could have an AI and in mid-game you could have your buddy pick up the controller and he instantly takes over (much like co-op games of yester-year).

The AI also will respond to your voice commands via the microphone, so you can say "Dude, flank them from the right" or whatever and he will do it...

Now it just depends on how good the tech is that's running that. It's a damn good game concept, and relies a lot on AI and speech technology to pull it off. Let's see if they can do it! :)