Artistic Favor to Ask

  • Thread starter Thread starter DarkClaw
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I was wondering... God I feel so stupid and shitty... I need a black and white picture of the HEV Mark V, in the same pose as this pic:


I need you to make a couple of changes to the picture though. No Lambda Core logo, and please put a helmet on it, kinda like this one:


Whoever volunteers for this, please make it in "Paint", not a hand drawing (kinda like a blueprint kinda thing). So yeah, thanks for helping. Oh, and thanks for any effort put in to doing this for me :)

P.S. I feel so stupid... I'm not even sure if I'm posting this in the right topic!
Nice work Pesh, but you forgot to remove the lambda logo.
That was fast... but missing a couple of things... when I meant black and white, I meant kinda like this:

I think it's called an outline picture... not sure... oh, and the lambda core logo is still there...

Any more than that would require actual drawing. And unless there's some heavenly saint around these parts I wouldn't get my hopes up. :P
I especially like your Jimmeh (no offence Pesmerga :P), could you get rid of the grayscale (most of it at least? Please, please, PLEASE??????????????? God, I must be getting really annoying now...) and make the neck cover more noticible, you know like this (omg, I think I'm gonna kill you people trying to ask you to make these things...):

you can see the neck cover is completely covering his neck. And (try) to make it more blueprint like (omg, omg, OMG, you guys might not survive!), you know, like this:

If you guys actually manage, I'll be so happy, well... I can't come over to your house to give you a hug... I'll try to figure out something.

P.S. If you guys want to go the extra 100 billion miles for me, you can do the rear of the HEV suit as well. I can't find a picture of it, but if you have HL2, go to the lap, type sv_cheats 1 in the console, and put on impulse 101 and noclip. You'll be able to venture behind the suit and see in back of it without accidentally slipping it on.

PPS: You don't need to put any measurements for the blueprint thing... or any lines displaying any information
Actually, I would download it and do it myself... it seems so simple... but I'm not allowed downloading anything on the school computers or my dad's computer (unluckily enough). And believe me, you don't want to see me try anything with Paint... just thinking about it gives the shivers...\

PS Krynn, your is really nice. It's exactly what I need. Maybe if you just polished it up a little bit... (Damn, I feel like I'm a very picky asshole boss...) and by polish up I mean make it more symmetrical.
Pesmerga... why are you red eyeing me?


Oh man, I am loling!!! :laugh:

you guys are far too accomodating

I'll say, even if he can't download the program he can still do it otherways, such as using graphite paper to trace it, outline it, and then scan it on the computer.

I'm about to go to bed, but if no one has done it by tomorrow I'll see if I can draw it for you

man, why you gotta be all nice! your ruining the thread!:p
My god... I read this thread with a straight face, not really finding anything very amusing...

And I just got to Pes's second to last post... and I just exploded... randomly... was quit ebarrasing. So after composing myself again, I carried on further down...

And omg... I laughed a bit too loud... *hides*
LOL, this topic is getting more of a laughing stock than a cry for help now. By the way, I'm freaked out now by that horse...
I was asking for an image to be modified for me, but the only who actually understood the concept I'm trying to ask for is Krynn... but his isn't completely perfect.

Of course nothing's perfect, but I mean, like, you guys should know what I mean?

Yes, I know I'm picky zombieturtle...
I was asking for an image to be modified for me, but the only who actually understood the concept I'm trying to ask for is Krynn... but his isn't completely perfect.

so damn picky...
I was asking for an image to be modified for me, but the only who actually understood the concept I'm trying to ask for is Krynn... but his isn't completely perfect.

Of course nothing's perfect, but I mean, like, you guys should know what I mean?

Yes, I know I'm picky zombieturtle...

I know exactly what you want, but tell me what it's for
alright, I need it for... my science class! Our teacher was talking about scientists developing exoskeletons and protective suits, and he assigned us a project that we have to make a presentation of a protective suit/exoskeleton. Yes, he said we could use suits we found in games and stuff if we modified it so we wouldn't get caught by law for stealing a copyright, but we would also need to change the name and blahblahblah. You get the point now I think. I have everything done, the poster, the info, and I've based the picture model of it on the HEV suit, since I'm a fan of the HL series. The only thing now is that I suck artistically completely when trying to make any kind of picture. (in other words, I can't draw by hand or by mouse or whatever thing you throw at me). So I came for help here...
Lmao!!...god knows why, but that red eye shit just made me laugh to tears.

Dunno if its sleep deprivation or what but it made me giggle.
I laughed my ass off, too.

DarkClaw, just print it out and trace it. Drawing can be tricky, but tracing isn't.