Artists getting sued.

See, thats where the problem with copyright law is.

Its not being used anymore for what it was originally designed to do: stop people ripping off your inventions/work.

A t-shirt with a picture of a car is NOT ripping you off.
bliink said:
See, thats where the problem with copyright law is.

Its not being used anymore for what it was originally designed to do: stop people ripping off your inventions/work.

A t-shirt with a picture of a car is NOT ripping you off.

I know... the automobile industry is especially anal about their vehicles and how they are distributed... For instance, computer games... racing games cannot even include cars of the actual models unless the game companies pay for that priveledge. Sooo lame.
would'nt this also include specific artwork in a modded game, a model of a certain type of car such as that smashed up BMW in Insurgencey.. id assume certain mod's would get away with older car's like that.
Raziaar said:
I know... the automobile industry is especially anal about their vehicles and how they are distributed... For instance, computer games... racing games cannot even include cars of the actual models unless the game companies pay for that priveledge. Sooo lame.
omg how much didn't EA games pay for NSFU then?

Like 8 ninjazillion dollars ? :O
They probably paid lots and lots of money to use actual car brand names.

If i'm not mistaken, the reason GTA doesnt have actual car names is because of these rediculous things? I'm not sure if it was for game style.
That's f*cking ridiculous. I f*cking hate corporate culture. F*ck.

GTA avoided real car names for exactly these reasons, but also because it's in GTA's nature to satarise everything possible. :D
Sulkdodds said:
That's f*cking ridiculous. I f*cking hate corporate culture. F*ck.

GTA avoided real car names for exactly these reasons, but also because it's in GTA's nature to satarise everything possible. :D
Yesh. :| Also,


This is ridiculous, to be honest I don't understand this all. Games lose some quality of realism, because they have to parody (Id much prefer shooting a dell in CS and seeing real coke machines.) I don't know, some games can paradize, but when everyone does it, it gets lame. Even worse- no one can avoid it.