Artists Needed


Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
That's right I need artist(s) to help make a comic book or a manga novel, children's book, and even a weekly online comic (like Applegeeks, VG Cats etc.). I will write everything and you the artist(s) will draw it.

I have no way in hell of paying you right now. But if the book(s), online comic takes off. Then I guess we can both share in the profits. I have to make this clear right now. I have no idea if this will go any where and I don't need any lazy a** mother****ers singing up for this job. If you want to take a chance on something like this and feel that you can put everything in to it then your the person I'm looking for.

Skill levels:
Knowing how to draw is a must!
Know how to use digital image-editing programs like Photoshop, illistrator, Gimpshop, etc.

Web-design (would make putting up online comics a lot easier)

Submitting work: (I want to see a wide range of work that shows you can draw.)

For the online comic I want someone that has a good drawing style and is very clean. Since it's a longer process for the book. I need someone that can draw details and backgrounds very well.

To submit work e-mail me here. Keep the file size down, please.

Go here for a sample script. (Is now up!) That I would like to see drawn up.

if the book(s), online comic takes off. Then I guess we can both share in the profits

it wont.

I don't need any lazy a** mother****ers singing up for this job

ooh tastefull

youve failed to say whether you are a published writer or not and this has nothing to do with modding hl2 which is what this forum is about. why not go to an artist forum.
fine with me captain. you still failed to state if you have ever published any writing.
crackhead said:
it wont.

ooh tastefull

youve failed to say whether you are a published writer or not and this has nothing to do with modding hl2 which is what this forum is about. why not go to an artist forum.

Your spelling and grammar is horrible, stop posting here until you're atleast 18.
popbob12001 said:
Your spelling and grammar is horrible, stop posting here until you're atleast 18.

He only spelled one word wrong. Don't be an ass.

Oh, and it's 'at least'.
popbob12001 said:
Your spelling and grammar is horrible, stop posting here until you're atleast 18.
Sorry we can't, he's one of the few people that actually know stuff around here (like me ;))

Without him most newbies that ask questions will be left in the dark.
Your spelling and grammar is horrible, stop posting here until you're atleast 18

for one thing im 17. secondly i work for a magazine as a proofreader and article writer. i know my spelling is sometimes terrible. sometimes im drunk. sometimes im lazy. some times i dont give a flying monkey. its not up to you who posts on these forums and you have only made 6 posts yourself you complete bum chunk. bad spelling and grammer is no reason for someone not to be aloud to post on these forums and i expect half of these people copy and paste their posts into word.
blatant lies, proofreader for a magzine at 17? whats it called?

also crackhead the fact someone has few posts leads me to believe they have a life...

if u proofread u must do it while posting on here, and a proofreader CAN SPELL WITHOUT TRYING!!!!!!!!

i expect half of these people copy and paste their posts into word
like u?
no not like me because i only have word on my laptop. the magazine is called just right. furthermore there is a alot more to proofreading than checking spelling. i wouldnt expect you to know that. ive also published articles and photos. i can scan in a front page for you which has me credited but then youd probally say how do i know your really luke smith. anyway your opinion of me is not highly regarded. you are poorly constructed excuse for a low life excrement.
popbob12001 said:
Your spelling and grammar is horrible, stop posting here until you're atleast 18.

I think to alot of people here, you have to prove yourself through your post count. Many of us are either {as crackhead said} lazy but on the other hand many people have English as their second dialect, so might sometimes have a bit of bad luck.

@Skull: Good luck, its always good to see your ideas etc as a hard copy in front of your eyes. The link seems to be broken?
who said:
blatant lies, proofreader for a magzine at 17? whats it called?

also crackhead the fact someone has few posts leads me to believe they have a life...

if u proofread u must do it while posting on here, and a proofreader CAN SPELL WITHOUT TRYING!!!!!!!!

like u?

Hell, I'm 19 and I'm working on a paid Source project, believe it or not. Crackhead, much like me, is perpetually drunk, though.

-Angry Lawyer
thanks. lol. plus its not liek you earn good money from writing or proofreading. especially not with charity organisations.