As much as I hate to say it,


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
I didn't see what the big deal was about Juno. It just seemed like all the "quirkyness" was forced down our throats, and what a shocker, a teenager who is more witty and knows more about life than all the adults around her! That is so original!

The acting was great, though, and it was genuinely funny and interesting at times, but I don't see how people can say it was better than Eastern Promises or No country for old men.

Just a thought.
definitely overrated.
but an enjoyable film nonetheless.
Yeah, i can't see how people can say its anywhere near as good as NCFOM or Eastern Promises, and i agree that its quirkyness is shoved down our throats in the first 10 minutes. But the most "persuasive" element of the film is its charm and overall sweetness and i think thats why most people like it so much.

There are better films out there, and there have been better written films come out last year as well (Knocked Up for example) but for some reason everyones just jumping on Juno like they jumped on Little Miss Sunshine in 2006 and it just seems to be the way to go lately. I hope it doesnt start a trend.