as_oilrig is being made!! Check it out



I'm not kidding.

2 members of the PAF Game Community are making it happen.

L.Duke (creator of cs_soccer1_knives and cs_chickenrun) over at PAF made a server plugin that will allow for AS style game play.

DjBourgeoisie (creator of cs_xcom, de_courthouse_final) has started work on the map.

DjBourgeoisie just posted the first screenshots of as_oilrig_dj in progress and I was so excited I thought I would share it with you.

The PAF forums do require registration to view (sorry about that) but I know a lot of you regulars here are already registered so you can check it out.


ah got beat to the punch :p

Carry on advertising it Soopa!

edit: btw oilrig was one of my favorite maps in cs, I am so glad to see this.
new images-




The map looks good!, I can't wait to play AS maps again, seems sad this wasn't added already officially.
Looks completely the same setup which is a shame considering most remade maps are changed here and there. One other complaint is it all deeps ridiculously dark which is what is the problem with about 80% of maps these days. I blame doom 3. But if he has programmed the use of VIP rescue mode from 1.6 then i'm glad theres a new type of game around.
I don't wanna have to register on the forums I can't even see.
very nice, wasn't a big fan of oilrig but fun to mix it up sometimes.