ASHPD Use in Episode 3?

Jan 23, 2011
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I've came across a rumor about Episode 3 is when Gordon Freeman reaches the Borealis, he will be in the possession of the Portal Gun from Portal. The other part of the rumor is that he is only going to be using it for one chapter. Possibly, it means it gets destroyed or confiscated by the Combine?

Anyone even heard of this rumor?:rolleyes:
This is not even a rumour. It's wishful thinking.
Episode 3 hasn't even had any information on the story leaked yet. We're not even sure valve has started working on it yet. Whoever told you this is an idiot.
We have no plans to incorporate the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device into the next installment of Half Life.
No. ASHPD was highlighted on the computer keyboards in Portal. People thought it was an easter egg reference to Adrian Shepard.
If I ever see the portal gun make an appearence in Ep3, I'll turn it into ash and sunder with my Gluon Gun
Please tell me who told you that so I can smack him.

With a bullet.
Valve generally doesn't like the player to see Gordon's body, so I'm not sure if they'd ever let him use the portal gun directly.
Gravity Gun = Half Life games

Portal Gun = Portal games

fair enough ... I think
yea... it might. it would be a cool back story. or maybe its mounted like in portal. unlikely though.
it would be difficult because portals have to be on flat surfaces, and thatrs hard to find on a small ship. infact, the area would be much to small. maybe something will happen to the gravity gun like in the last chapter of hl2