Assassin Game


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
This actually sounds like a lot of fun.

Around 100 participants, called agents or assassins, paid about $40 for the chance to be given profiles and photographs of other players they then have to hunt down in Chicago over a three-week period.

They set to work tracking down their victims and ultimately going in for the ?kill? ? a nice, healthy squirt of H2O from a plastic pistol or a water balloon. Think paintball, with water instead of paint and in cities instead of woods.


The link goes HERE <----
Haha. That's awesome! :D
Heard about this before. There was a tv show on it, and also an episode of CSI or something where someone was killing for real.
All the seniors and juniors in my old highschool do this every year. Its good times.
Heh, imagine someone following you thru a crowd and as they approach you either one of two things happen: they go "*squirt* LOL YER OUT" or RAEP!
Aw, why couldn't I have heard about this beforehand? "Already taken place in San Francisco." Damn it!

""We’ve all had the dream and desire to kind of be our own James Bond..."
Whatever, I would've gone John Rain on those people. Damn it! Hope it comes around again. Maybe I'll gather up some people locally and do an unofficial one.
This is done by a society in a university near me (For free :P)
We had this a couple of years, but over the whole country (Sweden is a long country!). You could kill people with bananas, pillows, water gun etc etc, wear armor and all that kind of stuff.

You could also hire hitmen to do your bidding if you're too far away :)

Great fun. Me and a whole class at school was in it once. The morning after ended in a bloodbath, I can tell you that. Everyone was killed.
Would be funny if you accidentally squirted some random dude in a restaurant, enjoying a meal with his wife who you thought was your target :)

I'd just charge into a restaurant with a super soaker shouting "I KNOW YOUR IN HERE!!"
it's all fun and games, until somebody puts concentrated sulphuric acid in the water pistol :thumbs: