Assassins creed 2 Ending (SPOILERS)

Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Did anybody find it as confusing as I did? Also, did you finish The Truth glyphs? They helped a bit with the confusion, but I REALLY want AC3 now.
Any ideas on how the ending makes sense?
I didn't really find it all that confusing, IMO the 'twist' of the ending was generally what I was expecting, with the whole alien 'predecessors' deal etc.
Only part about the ending that made no sense is why they'd infiltrate assassin HQ with some sticks and a truck. You'd think there'd be a few guns, just in case
Yeah. It left me wanting more of the game, though. Right after the scene with Minerva, when it fades to black, that's such a horrible thing to do.
*Minerva scene*
**fade to black**
Desmond: "What - The - ****"
*hidden blade fight*
Only part about the ending that made no sense is why they'd infiltrate assassin HQ with some sticks and a truck. You'd think there'd be a few guns, just in case

Yeah, I was a little confused about the whole stick thing as well. Were they even sharpened? I couldn't stab the enemies but I could slit their throats? That doesn't even make sense.
I didn't think it was too hard to get. The prior civilization were technologically advanced humans who had enslaved the underclass. Their technology gave them power and made them appear as gods (and in some cases allowed them to live extremely long lives - they hint that figures like Jesus were these people who had retained a "piece of Eden" and had been known as many different persons throughout time). The ancient society began to crumble when Adam and Eve stole the Apple of Eden. The people, now enlightened with the knowledge that their power was tied to technology, revolted. The "original civilization" was destroyed. The assassins descend from Adam and Eve.

There's also a hint that Altair might still be alive. The last entry in the codex has him pondering whether or not to fully engross himself in the Apple of Eden, which could have that effect. Though it wouldn't make symbolic sense as the Apple is supposed to represent knowledge (hence all the scientific progress Altair made after the first game).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I got from it. The impression I got from the end of the first game was that time travel was going to be involved somehow. I think I like this better.
That's pretty much what I got out of it. Except you neglected to mention what Minerva said about the sun. I don't quite remember now, but I think it was something about a giant sun flare or something that happened while humanity and the "gods" were too busy fighting to foresee it. I think she said something about another flare happening and that Desmond, while talking through Ezio, the Prophet, should look for temples built by people to protect the "gods." This was really the whole reason in the plot that you were playing as Ezio.