Assassin's Creed...god im getting excited


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, i have to admit that there havent been that many games (apart from the HL2 series and possibly Bioshock) that have made me get TRULY excited about coming out.

This one just...blows me away in every sense. I cant express how much ive been wanting this game ever since hearing about it.

With IGN saying stuff like this:

'With a game as vast as this, it's still kind of tricky trying to visual exactly how all the disparate pieces will fall into place and we're still a little unsure how tightly the overall narrative structure can focus the open-ended nature of the game. From our initial couple of hours with Assassin's Creed though, we're incredibly impressed at how true to Ubisoft's initial ambitions this near-finished build actually is. Put simply, we can't wait to get our hands on the finished game.'

It just makes me salivate even more.

Then about 10 mins ago, i watched this video (basically a level..kind of) on it as we get talked through it and how many options you have:

and NOW im truly bursting, i want it NOW!

Only thing thats upsetting to me is the guards when they surround you, they kinda look a bit idiotic in how they all take turns attacking, and maybe there could be some more counter animations but still, on the 9th of November this game is getting into my hands, i may even do my first ever midnight release purchase..

Anyone else gagging to get a hold of this game???
The game does looks great but the fighting system still needs work as you have mentioned.
the whole setting is what gets me, i love the premise, the fighting looks crap though and i'm still wondering how indepth the stealth/sneaking mechanics will be, so far i just see Altair climbing around the place.
Seriously, this game is going to kickass. And anyone notice the future computer symbol shit around the enemies and during the start.
Just looks the same as the new PoPersia games which I hate. I was hoping it would have more features from Thief: Deadly Shadows in it. The escape looked fun though.
Just looks the same as the new PoPersia games which I hate. I was hoping it would have more features from Thief: Deadly Shadows in it. The escape looked fun though.

Price of Persia games are great, and this really isn't anything like that. I've been following Assassin's Creed for a long time, and the only thing that I'm not impressed by is the battle system. Too bad we PC fans have to wait until 08.
The battle system didn't took too awful, but it did look a bit easy... and stupid, there's no way anybody could fight a group of guard like that. The could all just throw their shoes at you and you'd die.
Yeah, certain parts of that video look pretty great, others I'm not so keen on. It was said that running away would be like american football in that any impact with civilians or guards could slow you down or even knock you over, but he doesn't seem to have any problem pushing his way past anything with total ease. That he actually managed to run in a total circle around the inside of the base without the guards being able to do anything about it seems a little much...

Still, the city is absolutely amazing in scope, and the acrobatics look like alot of fun. Looking forward to it.

Edit - Also, Jade Raymond is the worst commentator ever.
Yeah that's one thing I didn't like, the queue of attackers. Hey dumbasses, you're supposed to attack all at once to overwhelm your opponent!

Anyways, this is one of my highly anticipated xbox 360 games. This will cause me to bring my xbox 360 out from deep cryogenic stasis to be played again. And mass effect, and a few other games coming out late this year and early next year.

****ing GTAIV and it's mother****ing failed release date. **** ******** **** *******

Well if you go to gametrailers and looks at the assassin's creed interviews (just search assassin's creed and scroll down the list of videos), specifically the AI interview, Jade says they implemented an AI system where the guards react to your playing style during the fight.

So if you block alot and counterattack with kills, theyll step back and not be as likely to charge in to attack you, equally if you just block theyll be more aggressive.

Still, wether this is all true or not and is just smoke screens like alot of companies do in previews etc is yet to be seen until the release date...which is either the 9th, 13th or 16th november..i dunno, sites have different release dates for some reason.

Also, im gutted theyre not releasing a demo as its too much of a sandbox game to focus in on one area so you cant roam around freely...but in one of the interviews they showed you how they cut away one section of the entire map (which looks bloody huge when you take the scale into account) for the live demos they did at E3 etc...


But still, Ubisoft make unrivaled quality games so im not worried about anything, its still gonna rock.

[Edit} And Jade Raymond is hot...ish...
I really can't wait for this game, it's going to be so kickass
Doesn't know much about Conan if she thinks he'd just wade in hacking.

Looks like a modern day tenchu with PoP style movement instead of the Grapple. What Tenchu Z should of been like.

Man I loved Tenchu 2. Best stealth game ever.
Yeh it does extremely class, a cross between Hitman and Prince of Persia, both of which I loved playing. I actually thought the battle system looked good and the various ways of interacting with the envoiroment is impressive, and i absultely loved it when you used that guy as a human shield against the arrow and throw him down before he dies.

Cant wait :D
Under that hoody is a baseball cap. Betcha.

Nice environments though.
As with all the vids i've seen it looks great untill the fighting starts. The benny hill chase/running round in circles with guards on your tail also looks quite silly. I hope it's good, but have doubts.
Yeah, yeah, we all know about the vague rumors of how it relates to modern times and such. Very Matrix or Total Recall-ish or something. Should be interesting to say the least though whatever it is.

I really hope that this game is everything I expect and more because to me it sounds like more of a GOTY candidate than Bioshock frankly. The only things I am more excited about this year are Contra 4, Mario Galaxy, and Mass Effect.

My only question now is which platform it will be best played on??? 360 or PS3??? Ugh, I hope the reviews dicsuss any differences, no matter how tiny!!!
My only question now is which platform it will be best played on??? 360 or PS3??? Ugh, I hope the reviews dicsuss any differences, no matter how tiny!!!

theres an interview with ign Australia where one of the lead designer mentions this sorta:

IGN AU: The PS3 version used to be the 'lead' format, but mainly the 360 build has been shown publicly. Why is this?

Patrice Desilets: Because it's easier...

IGN AU: Can you explain?

Patrice Desilets: It's easier to show it on 360 in general. But even with that, I don't want to go down that avenue. [laughs] I've said some stuff and I've gotten yelled at! Now, I don't want to talk about the technical [side]; I don't want to be part of the war! Personally, I don't design around a machine and it's something that takes place elsewhere. It's business and technology and I'm the guy in the middle of that.
I think this game will be pretty good. I like pretty much all the aspects from what I've seen in the demos. Context based moves will be interesting but I think it will work out well. From what I've read/seen you can go where ever you want. Sorta like GTA. But you can start the assassination missions in whatever order as well. Seems there are other things you need to do first before you get to the assassination step though. So a lot of going around, getting intel and doing other missions. From that demo it looked like the guy was using the gentle push move for each guy he brushed by. If you brush by another while you are running you will stumble otherwise.

I don't mind the combat. They could make it so more than 1 enemy attacks at the same time if they wanted to make it harder. If more than 1 attacked then you would be dodging instead of counter-attack or block, assuming you didn't want to get hit. Especially if the 2nd person attacking was behind you.

I like how it's setup with attack/counter/block/dodge/push and based on the situation of the other guy. Lets say default attack is a left-to-right slash. Doing that is fine if the enemy is not attacking. But lets say the enemy in front of you is coming at you with an attack from your right. Regular attack wouldn't be an option. So you could block, counter or dodge. Seems like it has a similar rhythm to fencing. It would be dumb for the regular attack to be an option in that case. You would not have to deal with his attack first but instead just spam "attack" (similar to Zelda). Wouldn't fit this game.
Ya i dont mind the combat ether. I dont think im going to be doing much of it anyway.
From what Ive heard, the control system sounds really interesting, with seperate controls for stealthy and reckless actions. Not to mention the ability to control each hand...

Gotta make a decision between this and Mass Effect soon!
theres an interview with ign Australia where one of the lead designer mentions this sorta:
Hmm, yes. Interesting. Though frankly I have no clue what he might be referring to. I hope it is nothing to do with my 3 biggest concerns: AI, framerate, and graphical fidelity. I guess we will see. I remember a time when this was only a PS3 game and then all of a sudden ALL of the emphasis went to the 360. Very weird, esp. for a company so well-known for its multiplatform love....
People are mocking it for being too much like Prince of Persia...yet you probably dont know that this game is being made by the same people behind Prince of Persia..*cough*.

So, naturally its gonna be similar. PoP was amazing, so i dont see why this one wont be either.

And im sure the fighting will be better if you up the difficulty or something.
Doesn't really look that PoP either. Looks more like Tenchu to me.
PoP was amazing, so i dont see why this one wont be either.
It was shit and linear. Try playing it again. I played Two Thrones a few weeks ago.

I was hoping this would be Splinter Cell + Thief instead of PoP + Tenchu. Tenchu 2 also sucks, mostly because of the PS1 not being able to render more than 10ft infront of you. Tenchu 1 was great for it's time though.
It was shit and linear. Try playing it again. I played Two Thrones a few weeks ago.

Prince of Persia was a lot of fun.. I don't know why people bash games for being linear, as not all games are designed around being open-ended. Many good games were linear (HL and HL2 anyone?), and PoP is no exception. The puzzles are interesting enough to hold my attention and the combat is more than just swinging a sword around.
I never liked the other PoP games besides Sands of Time. I thought the others were kinda lame.

Anyways, I'm still excited for this game. I can't wait to find all the approaches to the targets like I do in Hitman games.
Wow...not enough other stuff to do? Try this:

IGN AU: And how many side-missions are there in the game?

Patrice Desilets: In one city, you have 60. And multiply that times three, plus there are 420 different flags to be found and 60 Templar Knights to kill. There's a lot of stuff.

Sounds incredibly time-consuming (I hope). :E
Can't wait to pop the disc into my PS3.

The idea of going practically anywhere in a city gives me goosebumps.
i hope too, Ubisoft can spout the shit as good as EA and others so i'll wait and see what the reviews say about side missions etc.
I hear that. Hopefully that doesn't include something like listening to a conversation in an alley as 1 whole side-mission. That = fail.
Sounds like I'll be spending very little time doing story quests. Which is just how I like my free-roaming city games.
Mass Effect AND Assasin's Creed in the same month? Bordom ends there xD

**** Crysis and CoD 4 though..