At how much fps would you consider the game being unplayable?


Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
I've got a AMD 1700+, 9600xt, 512 RAM and I'll probally get from 20-40 fps. Anything under 15fps for the whole game wouldn't be very enjoyable for me.
I think you will get more. Everything u have is above the minimum reqs. Of course it all depends on what graphical settings you have it set on.
I thought anything under 30 fps and the eye would be able to pick up on it. Is that true? cause if it is then I would set your sights on having your computer pull 30 fps in a firefight, not just walking around.
thehunter1320 said:
if i get anything under 30 FPS at any time i will cry

yeah.. im hoping for 30+ fps too..
of course i really have no idea how it will perform despite whats been posted here and such.. guess i am a bit of a skeptic til i actually play the game.. :|
I want the minimum in any game to be around 30.
gunstarhero said:
I thought anything under 30 fps and the eye would be able to pick up on it. Is that true? cause if it is then I would set your sights on having your computer pull 30 fps in a firefight, not just walking around.

Myth, myth, myth!

There are so many conflicting views on this.. I believe the best I saw was you really see no difference past 72FPS.. I honestly can't see much a difference (if at all) past 72FPS..

Anyhow, I hope to get 30+. I'm starting to get scared, as the minimum requirements have shot up, and the framerate reports from the CS:S presentation in Korea were a bit worrying
I guess I am spoiled cause If i don't pull 50 or so in FarCry I would cry.

Side Note: Can we talk about the Doom 3 alpha here? or make reference to it more so than I already have?
and the frmaerate reports from the CS:S presentation in Korea were a bit worrying

What were the framerate reports for Korea? I want to know cause my system is basically just above min reqs cpu wise.
fluffhead said:
What were the framerate reports for Korea? I want to know cause my system is basically just above min reqs cpu wise.

Let me dig that up for you.. please hold :)

Edit: I can't find it, but I'll cite from memory.
70 FPS average on aztec, with dips as low as 20 FPS. AFAIK, without FSAA or AF. Running on X800 Pros..
if you dont have cpu over 3.0 gig and a ati card 9800 or above and 1 gig of ram you will not run the game the way its meant to be ran just like gabe said
alan00000 said:
if you dont have cpu over 3.0 gig and a ati card 9800 or above and 1 gig of ram you will not run the game the way its meant to be ran just like gabe said

No you just wont be able to run it with everything as high as possible.
Shuzer said:
Let me dig that up for you.. please hold :)

Edit: I can't find it, but I'll cite from memory.
70 FPS average on aztec, with dips as low as 20 FPS. AFAIK, without FSAA or AF. Running on X800 Pros..

ur edit is the kind of stuff i was im thinking.. my AMD Athlon XP 2500+ CPU is a bit slow if i want decent-to-max settings.. :|
20fps on an x800
Thats gotta be a mistake!
Myabe 120fps?
Okay, I seemed to have fabricated the 20FPS. Here are the two posts I found...

nadomola said:
Thx to Seaofp of and Stylenetwork, the spec of the PCs they used has been informed...welll only 3 core parts....I mean...-.-)a

CPU : Intel 2.4c
RAM : 1Gigabytes
GPU : ATI x800 pro 256

The fps was between 60 to 80 on de_aztec when it's played with 4 vs 4 format.

nadomola said:
CS:S were run by PCs with x800 and fat spec, but they were not run smoothly sometimes. As a GeForce2gts user, this ain't a good news.
I don't think the game was fully optimised at that point. And there are still people complaining about how hl2 hasn't got dynamic lighting/shadows, and they want everything to be destructable.
X800 Pro is twice as fast as a Radeon 9800 Pro. I fall short of a 9800 Pro by about 10FPS. This sucks, I'll be getting like 20-30 FPS at full detail if the game is fully optimized basing it on those figures

/me goes to the corner and cries
McFly said:
Ive got an fx5600.
How will that run it.....

sorry my friend i cannot lie if i were you i would upgrade to a x800 pro like i did yesterday

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BwaaaahHH!! My 1.2 GHz, 133MHz FSB, 512MB RDRAM, GeForceFX 5200 system that ran UT2004 on all low settings at 20FPS is going to cry... :(

But then again, in a month or two I'm upgrading to a P4 2.4GHz 800MHz FSB, with new ASUS mobo and 1024MBs of PC3200 ^_^

Still just a 5200 tho.

I know you were all really concerned about how I would be able to play, that's why I through out numbers.
Maui said:
BwaaaahHH!! My 1.2 GHz, 133MHz FSB, 512MB RDRAM, GeForceFX 5200 system that ran UT2004 on all low settings at 20FPS is going to cry... :(

But then again, in a month or two I'm upgrading to a P4 2.4GHz 800MHz FSB, with new ASUS mobo and 1024MBs of PC3200 ^_^

Still just a 5200 tho.

I know you were all really concerned about how I would be able to play, that's why I through out numbers.

thats sound good but you should get a new card... caan we say X800 pro 256

i cant wait for it to get to my house
I think spending 419 bucks on a video card is the greates waste of money, ever.
McFly said:
I think spending 419 bucks on a video card is the greates waste of money, ever.

i spent over 3000$ to prepare for hl2 and upcomming games am i crazy or what :eek: :eek:
Dr. Freeman said:
ur edit is the kind of stuff i was im thinking.. my AMD Athlon XP 2500+ CPU is a bit slow if i want decent-to-max settings.. :|

I have the same CPU. Have you overclocked it? You can get that to a 3200+, no problem.
alan00000 said:
thats sound good but you should get a new card... caan we say X800 pro 256

The only hobby money I get comes from working at the fastfood joint where I get, after taxes, about $3.50/hr. I kinda have to budget out what I'm buying :)

To put that in perspective, it would be more than 17 days of constant, non-stop work, without buying anything else. I want the card, but...damn.
Unfortunately we're not all as lucky as you are alan ;)

I have a AMD 2500XP, 512mb and 9600xt, but I'm upgrading to 9800pro and 1gb RAM before Doom 3 so I'm hopefully gonna be able to run HL2 at close to full details.
BwaaaahHH!! My 1.2 GHz, 133MHz FSB, 512MB RDRAM, GeForceFX 5200 system that ran UT2004 on all low settings at 20FPS is going to cry...
my 2ghz, 256meg, Geforce 4 Mx420 could run Ut2004 smoothly..
Then i got 256megs more ram, maxed all settings onsept LOD on 1 lowest than highest and it ran hella smoothly!

GOD DAMN! The 5200 must be super crap!
Shuzer said:
X800 Pro is twice as fast as a Radeon 9800 Pro. I fall short of a 9800 Pro by about 10FPS. This sucks, I'll be getting like 20-30 FPS at full detail if the game is fully optimized basing it on those figures

* Shuzer goes to the corner and cries

HDR was also enabled in the koean cs:s videos. That might have also cause the frame rate to drop mighty fast.
i am a nice guy so my old stuff i just simply give away to my friends for free because i want them to enjoy games to the way i play them for example i purchased x800 pro and i just gave my friend my old 9800 pro for free plus my 19 monitor too. and i gave a guy at work 512 mem stick and amd 2800+cpu motherboard and all..for free i like to make people happy, what do you guys think
Maui said:
BwaaaahHH!! My 1.2 GHz, 133MHz FSB, 512MB RDRAM, GeForceFX 5200 system that ran UT2004 on all low settings at 20FPS is going to cry... :(

But then again, in a month or two I'm upgrading to a P4 2.4GHz 800MHz FSB, with new ASUS mobo and 1024MBs of PC3200 ^_^

Still just a 5200 tho.

I know you were all really concerned about how I would be able to play, that's why I through out numbers.

I have probably the same system (p4p800 deluxe mb) i have my 2.4 oc to 3.2 and its very stable with standard cooling...invest in a 9800 pro or something when you get a chance and you will have no problems til the next gen games come out.

BTW... I got my 9800 pro (hercules brand) for $198 online....there are great deals all over the net.
Minerel said:
GOD DAMN! The 5200 must be super crap!

It's not even 256MB memory on it...only 128 :eek:

Although it's better than my Intel EXTREMZ0RZ GR4PH1KS PRO UBER BOMBULATOR 1850153W!!!!!ONE card in my laptop. There I may as well run UT2004 on pixomatic software render. You don't know pain until you've played Onslaught on a huge open space on software mode. >_>

EDIT: Yeah, the 9800 seems like a good idea. With the new cards coming out, the price should hopefully drop a bit by the time I have any money built back up again.
I'm pretty sure Gabe said that anyone with a Radeon 9600 or above will have no problems running the game
PatPwnt said:
I have the same CPU. Have you overclocked it? You can get that to a 3200+, no problem.

nah.. im not a big overclocker.. since i don't know much about overclocking and i definitely don't have a clue about temp/cooling so i just stay away from it.

with the 2500+ and a 9800 Pro and 512 DDR ram.. i am hoping 30+ fps is not alot to ask for.. :(
gunstarhero said:
I thought anything under 30 fps and the eye would be able to pick up on it. Is that true? cause if it is then I would set your sights on having your computer pull 30 fps in a firefight, not just walking around.
yup, the human eye cant register things above 30-40 fps
ferd said:
yup, the human eye cant register things above 30-40 fps

You're able to train your eye to a certain extent as well. I typically had an fps between 15 and 23 or so, but I didn't really notice it too much. I did kinda feel like something was wrong, but I still had fun playing it.
Anything under 40 fps anoys me in current games so it will probly be the same in hl2

But i havnt gotten under 60 fps in any of my games since i bought my 5900 ultra