Athena smiles this day

This is awesome, I remember emailing Gabe when the last version came out. I'm really glad to see this happen.
This is awesome, I remember emailing Gabe when the last version came out. I'm really glad to see this happen.

Why do so many people treat Gabe as their pal? E-mailing him when stuff comes out, to share experiences with the latest Valve product, to ask for help on a certain game level, technical help, basically anything related to Half-Life and more.

I know he's a generally open person, but he's not Valve Software impersonated/your buddy.

I don't want to think what kind of e-mails Jade Raymond must be receiving.
Why do so many people treat Gabe as their pal? E-mailing him when stuff comes out, to share experiences with the latest Valve product, to ask for help on a certain game level, technical help, basically anything related to Half-Life and more.

I know he's a generally open person, but he's not Valve Software impersonated/your buddy.

I don't want to think what kind of e-mails Jade Raymond must be receiving.

Because he's encouraged players to do so for a while now, even going as far as posting his personal e-mail address publicly. I pretty sure he even included it in one of the commentary bubbles in Lost Coast or something.

Anyway, I'm really happy for this guy. I've played and enjoyed his little single player adventures since the first level, and I've always thought he had great talent.
Because he's encouraged players to do so for a while now, even going as far as posting his personal e-mail address publicly. I pretty sure he even included it in one of the commentary bubbles in Lost Coast or something.

This is indeed so. He does it on every commentary in The Orange Box as well. Even if Gabe doesn't answer, normally someone else at Valve does. I suspect he has a different email for internal stuff though ;)
I think gaben at valvesoftware dot com is just used as a general studio query address. They probably have somebody who sifts through the stuff that makes it past the junk filter and forwards them to different reps or development cabals. I sent a story-related question to Gabe once and got a response back from Marc Laidlaw at his studio address. So I don't think Gabe is really being bothered, that's probably their little secret though. And as long as he's cool with sharing it in their game commentary, they can expect to be contacted by fans.

Good for Adam Foster, I loved Minerva and I hope he continues it down the road. I hope his great talent manifests itself in Episode Three.
Good for Adam! He always looked like nice, modest and talented guy (unlike some "developers" of the famous unpublished mod) and he definitely deserve to work at Valve.
This is good, It is always nice to see the modding community still produces alot of talent, I think the key here is that he didnt set out to get a job or sell a retail game, he explored it as a hobby and shared the work.

Modding used to be all about shared homebrew content, now it seems to mostly be about 4 years worth of weapon renders on dead websites.

Big Gratz to Adam!
Great news, as long as the next Minerva installment isn't canceled.

Are there any other (released) singleplayer mods of that quality, does anyone know?
Why do so many people treat Gabe as their pal? E-mailing him when stuff comes out, to share experiences with the latest Valve product, to ask for help on a certain game level, technical help, basically anything related to Half-Life and more.

Cos he's awesome.
Here's his blog entry about it:

I don't know how to feel about this. On one hand, I'm excited because two very talented forces are teaming up, but there's a part of me that thinks that he's better off being a modder. He seemed to do it based on a solitary vision. I don't know how he'll be able to work with an "assignment". I also don't know what his primary job will be at Valve. My guess would be mapper since that was what he excelled at, but who knows. He was a great writer too, so hopefully he can use those skills as well. Everyone at Valve seems to be multi-talented, so I'm sure he'll fit right in. Anyhow, congrats to Adam. I hope he's more flexible and collaborative than he seemed on MINERVA.
Congrats Adam.

I can definitely imagine his level design being put into use for the Borealis/iceburg/(possibly) new Citadel power soucre thingamajig.

See: this is what I love about Valve. Their utter connection to fans, and their encouragement of modding, to the point where they will HIRE people who make mods. They just rock.
I hope he's more flexible and collaborative than he seemed on MINERVA.

There in lies the test. I fear he may be a little bit too cool with people at times, and that's just not a Valve thing, or a Valve attitude.
I always enjoyed the level design in Minerva. I felt some of the gameplay was repetitive and stale (especially in episode 2), but his mapping was always artwork to my eyes.
If he can put that skill behind Valve's direction, I'm sure we'll see some spectacular maps come out of him.
Nice. He is a very good level designer. I've loved all of his stuff that I've played.
About ****ing time Valve! :E They need to get the Black Mesa: Source crew over too and publish it as an official Valve game.
I think they need to acctully release somthing first, Dont get me wrong im looking forward to it as much as anybody, but you cant tell anything from screenshots.
You can tell a bit by the screenshots. With concept art, we are given the ability to judge what we should expect to see in an upcoming and guess some intentions for characters, or what we are to see.

Based on the most recent concept art, we might be fighting an Advisor. Possibly in an awesome climactic battle. It is true that it is always a "maybe" because we do not see where things progress past the concept art, or what it progresses into. But it is still a basis to understand and quite possibly predict what Valve may have up their sleeves.
congrats Cargo Cult! we all knew it would happen eventually, nobody deserves that spot more than you do.
I'm glad for him. He shows real potential that Valve can further expand on. :)