Athlon 64 3500+ and 6200 or 64 3200+ and 6600?


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Well, what should I do?

I can get either:

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ w/ HT and NVIDIA Geforce 6200 with TurboCache supporting 256mb


AMD Athlon 64 3200+ w/ HT and Nvidia Geforce 256mb 6600

Which should I do?

I'm leaning towards the 3500/6200 because that way I can keep the computer/processor longer and upgrade the graphics card in six months or so, but the 6600 is wayyy better.

Also, with the 6200, what kind of performance can I get with hl2, on 1024x768 resolution?
Is the 3200+ Socket 939 or 754?

If it's 939 then I would pick the 3200+/6600 personally.
It's 939.

What's the comparison to an intel processor as far as gaming is concerned, and does the 3500+ have much more longevity than the 3200+ would?
I say go for the 6600\3200 combo, with the 6200\3500 combo you might be bottlenecking your CPU.
6600\3200 indeed. You can upgrade the CPU eventually, and the latest games are more GPU reliant, so you'll probably get better performance with the 6600, as both 3200 and 3500 are capable CPUs.
Vorac1ous said:
I say go for the 6600\3200 combo, with the 6200\3500 combo you might be bottlenecking your CPU.

Hmm, the bottleneck will be at the graphics card, not the CPU. That cpu is damn fast but the 6200 gfx card range isnt the fastest.
I have to get a non-GT, just the 256mg 6600. Is that really bad, or should I try to pull money (bout $70) out of my ass and get the 128mg GT? I'm a bit overstretched as it is as far as price goes, so I'd rather not unless it's necessary.
duffers20 said:
Hmm, the bottleneck will be at the graphics card, not the CPU. That cpu is damn fast but the 6200 gfx card range isnt the fastest.
That's what I meant the whole time. That 3500 will bottleneck the 6200. It's less likely to happen with the 6600\3200.
The 3500 will never bottleneck a 6200. I'm sure you meant it the other way Vorac1ous. Anyways, while on this subject, I am planning to get myself an AMD 64 4000+ (along with a whole new system) but will keep my 6600gt. My question is, how long will the processor last and will I see a huge increase in my 6600gt's performance (I have a 2400+ Thoroughbred)?

Oh yeah, and the 3200/6600 would be the better choice.
Ennui said:
I have to get a non-GT, just the 256mg 6600. Is that really bad, or should I try to pull money (bout $70) out of my ass and get the 128mg GT? I'm a bit overstretched as it is as far as price goes, so I'd rather not unless it's necessary.

Get the 6600 GT. trust me, its much better than the non GT 256 mb. it cost $170 at
I'll see if I can come up with the money for it, then.
Dumb Dude said:
The 3500 will never bottleneck a 6200. I'm sure you meant it the other way Vorac1ous.
Yep, that's what I meant. Getting my words mixed up =/
I think GT is just a reference to its use on cars. e.g. Golf GTI, a hot hatch version of a golf. I believe it is just a way of denoting the card as a hot version of the 6800. Hope this makes sense
JellyWorld said:
what does GT stand for?

It doesn't stand for anything - it merely represents a souped up version of the regular card, in the same way that an x800 XT is faster than the regular x800.

EDIT: What he said :upstare: