ATI 9600 256MB or nVidia FX 5600 128MB



Well, you see the topic..
the ATI Sapphire 9600 256MB or the Chaintech nVidia FX 5600 128MB
Don't suggest any other cards.

The ATI is slightly cheaper (7USD)
GEt the 9600 Pro 128mb. I know you asked not suggest other cards, but the 9600pro 128mb is cheaper and it has a much, muahc better performace the the 9600 n/p 256mb or the fx5600u.
I know you said don't reocommend getting any other cards, but I'd actually suggest getting a Radeon 9500 Pro, it's better than the 9600 and the 5600, but at a little more expense.

But if you're just going to stick between the two, get the 9600.
Obliviously, if they are telling you to get different cards, those two you have selected arent the best ones.
I say a 9500 pro or a 9600 pro
Originally posted by jbscotchman
The 5600 Ultra with the flip chip outperforms the 9600 pro.
Not when o comes to shaders, and HL2 will most certenly be a verry shaderstressing game, atleast in dx9 mode!
If you have the money and you can find one....the 9500 pro is what you want....the 9600 isnt a great card imo....

the 9500 beats the 9600 and 5600 hands down......
Originally posted by jbscotchman
^^You do realize the 5600 Ultra is a dx9 card right?

sure, but that doesnt mean it does dx9 shaders as well as the 9600 does.
Yoga Fire! :D

Be sure to pick up the 9600 PRO version (you may go for the 128MB model) which is way faster than the 5600 (got em both for a small presentation: Sapphire 9600 PRO 128MB and a MSI 5600 TDR-128), considering pixel shaders/vertex shaders/AA/AF.