ATI AIW Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb


Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
my friend, wants me to ask here, since he never really uses forums, and doesnt feel like signing up, if the Ati All-In-Wonder Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb, is good, as in, the tv tuner doesnt get in the way of the card, and does it perform well
" (17:06:22) h4x0r s7r1k3R: is it worth the extra money
(17:06:47) h4x0r s7r1k3R: and... will the extra features make it kewler"
There isnt the slightest bit of a performance increase between the two. The only way its worth it is if he wants to watch TV on his comp. It also comes with some other multimedia stuff, nothing big though.
a FM remote! lol change channels through walls. mmm...impressive :D
Its just as good as the standard 9800pro.
It doesnt have dual DVI outputs but it can still do dual monitors with an adaptor on one DVI.
Besides the TV, recording features and the DVI thing, its the same as the other card.