ATi BIOS flashing


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Decided that im going to try and upgrade my Powercolor 9600Pro 256MB today.
Any idea on what BIOS i should use for flashing?

I was thinking:
Powercolor 9600XT 256 MB -(500/300Hynix 3.3) OR (500/203Mira 5.0)
There does not seem to be a powercolour X600 256MB BIOS on the net.

But i need to get some info from my card like what type of ram \ speed, how do i do this? -Dump the BIOS and read it?

There is some good info on how to do it here:
if your getting the card from a decent site (like New Egg) they'll have the clock speeds in the description. However, if they don't, I would stay away from "too good to be true" deals, since ususaly your just getting what you pay for [crap].

Also, BIOS flashing your vid. card sounds interesting. Thanks for the link.
Yeah it sounds like the best way too beef up your card in a few easy steps.
But you need to watch your card temp! - take care, do a lot of research before you try it, i dont want to kill any cards.

I already own the AGP 9600Pro 256 i just need to find out what the ram is and the speed.

Anyone know a good tool for getting card info?
Anyone know what bios i should use?
you must only flash the bios that matches your card. PERIOD.

Some cards are sold as lower, a x850xtpe is the same card is the x850xt, the x850pro, and the 9800 series, alot of those cards are the same....

but that doesn't mean that you can just flash the bios. You need to confirm that you have the proper pcb, chipset(gpu), and memory, before you even consider making a floppy to flash with. If you don't find alot of people having already done a bios mod, don't attempt it. save yourself some bucks.

That being said, if you hear of alot of people doing it, and see alot of guides out there, it can be done.
Thanks - i'll take your word for it - i was going to backup the original bios anyway so i guess i would have been ok.

Well i'll give overclocking another go.
If my PoCo AGP 9600Pro 256 runs at:
What highest i can clock it to - not wanting to take any stupid risks. I Have gone to 410/210 with no problems (got about an extra 200 points in 3Dm03).

I need to figure a way to watch the temp, in ATI tray tools the option is grey'd out - not selectible - prob no monitor on the card
Don't think there are temp monitors on the 9600 series. I would just take it easy with the overclocking, go up in small increments and properly test your overclock with a game/application that will really stress the card so you will see if its getting too hot as it will produce artifacts. Thats how I did mine, just slowely increased the core and mem frequencies and its totally fine. not the biggest performance increase but its an increase all the same.