ATI Case Mod

That's a sweet case, By now I bet he's taken the time to paint over the '97' and replace it with 'X8'

I would :D
Its too chaotic for my taste, though quite nicely done!
Ya thats really nice I like the way he did the window, but its not my taste.
Pobz said:
That's a sweet case, By now I bet he's taken the time to paint over the '97' and replace it with 'X8'

I would :D

rofl, i notice the 9700 so the pic is obviously quite old. damn it i wish i could afford a x800. will i can but ill have to spend no money for like...3 months. impossible for me :)
That is one ugly case, and I'd take my plain aluminium Lian-Li case over it any day.
Interesting. I like the HL2 and some AMD cases I've seen a lot better.