ATi Catalyst Control Center

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Whenever I try to run it, I get the following message:
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). click on OK to terminate this application."
I also get this message when my computer starts up (obviously it's trying to load it up once Windows starts)
I have the 4.11 Catalyst drivers, which are the most recent.
Any ideas on what's going wrong? Should I just re-install the drivers without the Control Center?
Do you have Microsoft .Net installed?

Anyways, Catalyst CC doesn't impress me that much. I prefered the old control panel. Uses much less resources.
Yeah ccc is a complete cpu hog takes ages to load so i just uninstalled it all and went oldschool :D you can still do it you just have to download the drivers with out the ccc :d
You need Microsoft .NET Framwork 1.1 to run CCC.
Use Windows Update to get it.

Like the other guys here say, oldschool is still best, but I can see why CCC might be easier to understand for unexperienced users.