not so ling ago steam told me i had out of date graphics?
so i promtly went to the windows update site, and the ATI site, and found that i had the latest drivers, but i downloaded them anyway and installed them.
ati tried to install some thing called catalist.. which hasnt worked since, on bootup there is some kind of error, somthing fails.
since then my graphics have been poop.. flickering while playin cs:s
so i turned down my graphics lower, now it just looks crap.
ive tried to re-install, it just doesnt seem to want to work on my system. i have a ati radeon 9600.
there is only one driver from the ati site and that seems to not work! any ideas?
im runnin win xp pro(sp2) :bounce:
so i promtly went to the windows update site, and the ATI site, and found that i had the latest drivers, but i downloaded them anyway and installed them.
ati tried to install some thing called catalist.. which hasnt worked since, on bootup there is some kind of error, somthing fails.
since then my graphics have been poop.. flickering while playin cs:s
so i turned down my graphics lower, now it just looks crap.
ive tried to re-install, it just doesnt seem to want to work on my system. i have a ati radeon 9600.
there is only one driver from the ati site and that seems to not work! any ideas?
im runnin win xp pro(sp2) :bounce: