ATI, Mac, Linux, and Dx->Open GL Conversion


Jan 19, 2004
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AMD SUBSIDIARY ATI has released open source source software that converts the Windows DirectX 9 Application Programming Interface (API)into Open GL.

According to MacWorld, the move could mean that Apple users could seriously dip their toes into the world of gaming.

The HLSL2GLSL code works on the Mac OSX and translates Vole's High Level Shader Language (HLSL) into the OpenGL equivalent GLSL.

The move means that programmers who are struggling to make games work on the Mac OSX by using their own libraries will have something more solid to work from. It could also lead to the development of more games being available on Linux, something that has kept the operating system away from the home desktop market. µ
AMDATI for world domination! (near enough)

This is exciting!
it's not the lack of games that is killing the mac gaming industry's the lack of people to buy those games ...i dont remember specifics but sales of Halo were in the thousands rather than the millions on xbox/pc ..aspyr didnt make a profit because 1/3 of all copies of halo on the mac were pirated. Developers dont want to develop for the mac because the games market just isnt that large (I know, I was a mac gamer for years) ...only blizzard has ever shown apple any love ..WoW:BC will be released with both the pc and mac versions included in the box ...something no other developer does

besides, apple has bootcamp ..probably the best way to get people to game on a mac
If this works, it'll be another nail in the coffin of microsofts home market share. The lack of game support is the sole reason I continue to run windows.
could be a big boon to linux (wanna-be)gamers
..only blizzard has ever shown apple any love ..WoW:BC will be released with both the pc and mac versions included in the box ...something no other developer does
Blizzard did a really ingenious thing since I believe Diablo. It's called storm.dll. Basically Storm.dll wraps everything from the main exe into Os Specific functions.

Truely a very smart design. heh Storm.dll has over 220 functions and does it's own memory mangament. Intense.
Blizzard did a really ingenious thing since I believe Diablo. It's called storm.dll. Basically Storm.dll wraps everything from the main exe into Os Specific functions.

Truely a very smart design. heh Storm.dll has over 220 functions and does it's own memory mangament. Intense.
Your computer speak scares me D:
he must be in league with satan ...lets rush him!!!!

/me pulls out torch and pitchfork
Your computer speak scares me D:
Thats nothing. Although I am a programmer and I made a Starcraft editor... and when your learning all this stuff you also learn the history. Just so happens Storm.dll was hacked back in the Diablo days and it's functions were exploited to use in other programs to open up the MPQ, or MoPaQ, files(incredible file system with compression, one way hashing, and incredible read-speed. Horrible for writing into however. Made by Mike O' Brian. Used in every Blizzard game(idk about Wc1 though.)).
only blizzard has ever shown apple any love ..WoW:BC will be released with both the pc and mac versions included in the box ...something no other developer does

Uh, SIGames have released all Football Manager games as PC/Mac out of th box :)