Ati needs HL2 benchmarks... PRICE GOUGEING!


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
god i hope i didnt mispell that... but anywho i really wanted to put this on the front page seeing as its becomeing a BIG issue... If you go to hardocp's site their is now a direct link to the fourm where we are all discussing this DOOM3 benchmark... As we all have seen from these benchmarks ATI got hammerd. Weather ATI has better opengl drivers that its going to pull out as their wild card or say doom is fixing it i dont care. The problem that everyone is talking about is now that the benchmark at hardocp is out the price on those 6800 GT's is gone WAY!!!!! up. People on their are talking that they where being sold for 300 and now they are sold for 410 or higher!

Half-Life needs to release benchmarks to blow nvidia out of the water just to get the price's to go back to normal. Yes i own a 9800 pro and its gona suck on doom 3. But now even if i wanted to get a 6800 gt for doom3 i couldnt get it now anyway due to the price hike.

The price has gone up on the Gt possibly because everyone is buying one and the poor availability of either the x800 xt or the 6800 Ultra.
9800 Pro is not going to suck. PC Gamer actually "Recomended" a 9800 pro to play doom 3 on. So it wont be smooth at max settings. So what, the Geforce 4 MX can run doom 3 "well" or so they said, so I would expect the 9800 pro to do very well at med-high settings.
yeah and at last years e3 hl2 was run using a 9800pro, so im not worried
Gouging not gougeing
becoming not becomeing
Wether not Weather
it's not its
there not their

Drop the 'e' before adding 'ing'

Close but no cheesecake...

Anyway, It doesn't look like I'm going to be buying a new videocard anytime soon. Once ATi has a new card, I might look into buying one to upgrade my computer...
Yeah, if you have a 9800pro or something like it, i would wait to upgrade, but i woundt wait too long
mayro said:
Half-Life needs to release benchmarks to blow nvidia out of the water just to get the price's to go back to normal. Yes i own a 9800 pro and its gona suck on doom 3. But now even if i wanted to get a 6800 gt for doom3 i couldnt get it now anyway due to the price hike.

Hmmm Halflife2 will be benchmarked on both ATI and NVIDIA cards when it comes out, ATI isn't going to do anything until then.
mayro said:
The problem that everyone is talking about is now that the benchmark at hardocp is out the price on those 6800 GT's is gone WAY!!!!! up. People on their are talking that they where being sold for 300 and now they are sold for 410 or higher!
How can this be shocking to you? The suggested retail price for the 6800 GT is $399. I don't see any problems if one retailer decides to put a $410 pricetag on the card. Hardly a situation to lose sleep over.
BestBuy had a special 6800GT offer with a $299 pricetag, but that was an exception and lasted only a few hours.
your complaining about $410 for a video card?

Over here, the cheap geforce 6800GT's are sold for around £245, which works out as a whopping $450.

And that was before the benchmarks were released.
Anthraxxx said:
Gouging not gougeing
becoming not becomeing
Wether not Weather

Whether not Wether. ;)

/me huggles my Radeon 9800 Pro.
6800 ultra owns the x800 xt e.i period. There is no competition here it's just that much a better card. Just the fact that it supports 3.0 shaders makes it get a huge boost.
Deadline said:
9800 Pro is not going to suck. PC Gamer actually "Recomended" a 9800 pro to play doom 3 on. So it wont be smooth at max settings. So what, the Geforce 4 MX can run doom 3 "well" or so they said, so I would expect the 9800 pro to do very well at med-high settings.

They also said that the 6800 ultra cant run the "ultra" setting on doom 3 good and that you will need 2 gigs of ram.
Actually to run at "Ultra" settings on Doom 3, you'll need a 512mb video card and those won't be available until fall or winter.
Anthraxxx said:
Gouging not gougeing
becoming not becomeing
Wether not Weather
it's not its
there not their

Drop the 'e' before adding 'ing'

Close but no cheesecake...

Anyway, It doesn't look like I'm going to be buying a new videocard anytime soon. Once ATi has a new card, I might look into buying one to upgrade my computer...

whether not wether :P

lol that was funny :)