ATI Radeon 9600 Pro/XT 256MB



Hello, I am going to buy a new video card soon and have found that the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB and XT are both highly recommended and fit my price range. I do not, however, know how well they are going to run Half-Life, DOOM 3, and other next generation type games. I currently have GeForce FX 5200, so either way it's going to be a large improvment, but I just need to know how good those the Radeon 9600 Pro and XT cards are. Thanks!
XT is better! I have the 9600 Pro 256MB on default settings it can play HL2 30+FPS most of the time (it overclocks well too).
I like the 9600 but it wont be playing HL2 with all settings on high - but it should be dirt cheap by now.

New is Good!
I have a 9600XT and I play HL2 with all graphics settings on High.
I've got a 9600XT as well, and it runs HL2 on high settings 1024x768 great. But for another $50 you could grab a 9800Pro and really get amazing performance. I'm buying a 9800Pro after christmas and saving my 9600XT as a backup card, unless I can sell it to a friend.
shiza im also getting a 9600xt 128mb i made a few threads and decided thats wat im getting thanks alot for all u guys that helped me out on it!!
SSJ4Vegita2002 said:
I've got a 9600XT as well, and it runs HL2 on high settings 1024x768 great. But for another $50 you could grab a 9800Pro and really get amazing performance. I'm buying a 9800Pro after christmas and saving my 9600XT as a backup card, unless I can sell it to a friend.

This is true, the 9800Pro out proforms(from what I've read) and is not much more then the 9600XT
SSJ4Vegita2002 said:
I've got a 9600XT as well, and it runs HL2 on high settings 1024x768 great. But for another $50 you could grab a 9800Pro and really get amazing performance. I'm buying a 9800Pro after christmas and saving my 9600XT as a backup card, unless I can sell it to a friend.

I would save up for a better one. I have a 9800 Pro and it lags on all high setting and 1024x768. That's not really worth buying a new card. At least get a Radeon 9800 XT 256 mbs..
diluted said:
I have a 9600XT and I play HL2 with all graphics settings on High.

WoW, that's great. I have been searching around ebay and some other sites and have found the 9600XT with 256MB as low as 130 dollars, which seems like a really good deal. And if you can play HL2 on high with that it sure sounds like the way to go. And even if I can't manage to run it on all the highest settings, I don't mind. I'm just sick of having to run all my games on low and want some decent performance.
What about the 9700 Pro? I found it for about the same price.
diluted said:
I have a 9600XT and I play HL2 with all graphics settings on High.

same (2x aa/af) but it stutters from time to time. I can't complain for the price though!
So you guys think that with a 9700 Pro I could run it on high?
If your choice is between the 9600XT and the 9700 Pro, definitely go with the 9700 Pro as it pretty much stomps the 9600XT due to having double the amount of pipelines (8 on the 9700 Pro, 4 on the 9600XT) and a 256-bit memory bus (128-bit on the 9600XT).
NEVER use that colour of green, again.

the 9600 xt is ok, but it's outdated. just wait for the 9800 pro's to go down in price.
To the person that had problems running half life 2 on a 9800pro on all high settings, you are alone in that.

I have a 9800nonpro and i run it on 1280*960 with everything on high and i get an average of about 35 fps or more. It's really impressive.

Amd 2500+
1 gig ram
yea 9700pro > 9600xt... i have the xt and i have it OC'ed to 540Mhz/320Mhz but i'd rather have the 9700pro :)... or maybe an x800xt PE :-p
Yeah but we all know 9500 > 9600 since they halved the number of pipelines when making the 9600...

But I have a 9600 pro and I play with all settings on high with 2xFSAA and 2xAF. Even Antlion Troopers runs fine with anti-alaising on, which apparently makes many computers struggle on that map. Though bear in mind the 9600 is the cheapest range of cards that will run hl2 in dx9 mode, which makes an indescribably amazing difference to the characters and water in the game! I was completely blown away at the difference after upgrading...
I got a standard 9600 256mb and it runs the demo fairly well on high settings. You do get the odd stutter in the action at 1024x768 with the recommended settings. It can actually still run smoothly with anti-aliasing up to x4 but again, scenes of great action do slow it down a bit.
I'm currently trying to dabble with just 800x600 but turning everything else up. This works but I still prefer 1024x768.

So long as your not expecting amazing graphics, the 9600 range should do you well.
The Radeon 9600XT is three generations old, you'd have to be mad to buy one in 2005. Anyone that claims it's running over 20fps in mdeium+ detail is obviously just deluded and/or exaggerating. Get a 6800 and you'll have no problems.
HalfLife2Addict said:
The Radeon 9600XT is three generations old, you'd have to be mad to buy one in 2005. Anyone that claims it's running over 20fps in mdeium+ detail is obviously just deluded and/or exaggerating. Get a 6800 and you'll have no problems.

3 Generations old? What have you been smoking? My standard 9600 does over 20fps on high.

Some people needs the odd reality check now and then. Here is yours.
Lol... My 9600pro gets 30fps with everything on high, 2xFFAA and 2xAF... Heck my old system with it's p4 1.6ghz CPU, geforce4 ti4800 SE and 512mb RAM ran consistently at over 30fps with everything on medium and both FFAA and AF turned off (but it was in dx8 mode).

I think you are seriously underestimating HL2's scalability here...
AWF1209 said:
Hello, I am going to buy a new video card soon and have found that the ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB and XT are both highly recommended and fit my price range. I do not, however, know how well they are going to run Half-Life, DOOM 3, and other next generation type games. I currently have GeForce FX 5200, so either way it's going to be a large improvment, but I just need to know how good those the Radeon 9600 Pro and XT cards are. Thanks!

got a medion radeon 9600tx 128mb runs halflife 54fps stress test with 1.6ghz pentium 4 , 1024x768 all settings high, no af no aa
runs doom3 about 30fps

very good improvement over fx5200 128mb which i also have got

forgot to say motherboard is ms-6385 its agp 4x too. and its a Willamette 423 pin
HalfLife2Addict said:
The Radeon 9600XT is three generations old, you'd have to be mad to buy one in 2005. Anyone that claims it's running over 20fps in mdeium+ detail is obviously just deluded and/or exaggerating. Get a 6800 and you'll have no problems.

Have you ever even owned a 9600XT? Mine pulls an average of about 35-40 FPS on High graphics settings, 2x AA/trilinear AF. And no I'm not deluded and/or exaggerating.
whats your budjet? if its around 200 (more or less) go for the geforce 6600gt, it performs on-par with a 9800xt and costs abt 200.
Actually HalfLife2Addict, you really do need a check-up, because I too have a 9600 XT, running at 800x600 ( I don't see any reason for going higher?? :S ) EVERYTHING HIGH, No AA, Trilinear AF, and water to Reflect All, and I get average 40 FPS, and can go to anywhere from there, to 100 FPS, and I aint shitting you. The only times it stresses out is in large fights. And the only reason it does that, I can tell you, is because I am running a 1.2 CPU, oc'd to 1.6 ( used to be oc'd to 1.9 :D ) and although the CPU is stable, 1.6 just isn't enough to handle much. It gets there though.

Luckily for me, I got $350 christmas money ( Australia ) and I plan on getting an AMD 3200+ XP with 400 MHz FSB within the next week or 2 :D. Should see a HUGE performance leap when I get that.

Just don't insult the Radeon 9600, because although it may be the lowest form of ATI cards these days, it still manages astounding frame-rates and beautiful graphics. Especially when it is all you can afford. I know that about 5 of my friends have upgraded from Gayforce 4 MX's to Radeon 9600 XT's because of Half Life 2 ( things aren't so cheap around here, $300 for a 9600 XT )
dude the 9600XT 256mb is a great card.. i'm a owner of it and damn proud of it to. it runs great!! CSS 60 FPS constant on a 2.8ghz CPU and 512mb RAM.
HalfLife2Addict said:
*Cough* Bullshit *Cough*

God damn nvidia fanboys... Don't know a good card when they see one... 3 of us have just proven that you pulled your framerate of 20 figure out of your ass. 3 people with 9600 series cards, 3 people with settings on high as opposed to medium, and 3 people who all get frames of over 30, instead of 20.

You my friend, are the delusional one
Hmm my 9800 pro is running at 1024x768 with medium model detail, medium texture detail, 4x AA, 4xAF, Reflect World water, High Shader detail, dx9. Should I be able to run higher with 2.2ghz P4 and 512mb dual channel ram? Because even then it's only running 20-30fps, even though to me that looks smooth I know it's not great, I ran Driver Cleaner on my Nvidia drivers before installing my 4.12, although because it was an AIW I later had to use the disc it came with to install so it overwrote the 4.12 drivers with 3.4 or something, then I updated again to 4.12 later would all that have caused a problem, because it's awesome in all the other games.
Hmm well you could try reducing the AA and AF to 2x for each, and change water, models and textures to their highest settings. I think overall it'll give you a better picture and your card should be able to handle that smoothly. It should be noted though that benchmarks have show that ATI cards seem to run the best when there is plenty of CPU power to help them along, and that 2.8ghz seemed to be the lowest CPU speed the 9500-9800 series cards needed to run at their best. While it's only 600mhz difference, you could find you are bottlenecking there, reducing your overall performance.