ATI Users Look Here.


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Want better preformance out of your card? Overclock it then!
download the tool there, read all the documentation and etc. overclock until you get artifacts then go down some. its possible to increase perfomance 10fold.
Damn... im not an ATI user... but hey if I was one I would say "NICE LINK!" :|
It is not possible to increase performance 10fold. Thats a flat out lie.

The Rage3D tweaker is a nice tool though. :)
I like ATITool better, it can tell you what OC is the best for you :) :thumbs:
Overclocking decreases the life useful of your videocard AND if you do it wrong you might **** up everything and you'll have to buy a new card. Manufacturers do not recommend overclocking.

You guys have been warned ;)
DiSTuRbEd said:
Why do I need to overclock my card??

Getting the best out of your graphic card.Helps in achieveing better performance in video games.

Like they say: "If it ain't broke, tweak it!" ;)
Your avatar reminds me of Jackson.... AHHH I JUST GOT A MENTAL PICTURE!
Actually guys, with Ati's newer drivers comeing supposeable the 2nd of september we may not really need to overclock that much. Check out for more information but to give you a glimpse of what is going to happen ATI will start doing on the fly updates AKA no more uninstall and such... Also it sounds like programs like DNA and OMEGA will no longer need to put their files in a pack becuase it sounds like these new awsome ATI drivers that will be useing .NET will have plugin support.... You know what that means? GAME SPECIFIC OPTIMIZEING! yay!! whooot!!! hehe
lans said:
Getting the best out of your graphic card.Helps in achieveing better performance in video games.

Like they say: "If it ain't broke, tweak it!" ;)

i used Rage3D once...its a nice tool and i decided not to overclock my video card because i only have stock cooling and didn't feel like taking the chance so i eventually un-installed it.

sHm0zY said:
Im Scared To Do It!!! :'(!

no sHm0zY!!!
don't do it!!! :bounce: :p
sHm0zY said:
is this safe all i have is a case fan eekkkk

Use ATItool, it really helps in overclocking. It'll do the job for you - and will report any artifacts if you overclocked it too much. Much safer to do this way. Then just set the clock and save.
yeah rage3dtweak is a waste of memory space. imo, it has way too much "overhead"

And, no, you won't get a 10fold increase. not even a 2fold increase.

And yes, it may decrease the life of your card, but definitly not noticibly.

there is a very small chance you'll fry your card. IF you have and aticard, you cna enable vpu recover, and that'll stop you from fying it, and if you don't, you can just restart your comp when it freezes.
eyesore said:
Want better preformance out of your card? Overclock it then!
download the tool there, read all the documentation and etc. overclock until you get artifacts then go down some. its possible to increase perfomance 10fold.

I've been having trouble with ATI Tool, where any attempts at overclocking has managed to freeze the screen completely dead. Yet this 3DRage Tweaker does the job no problem. :)

I still have ATI Tool installed to keep track of my x800Pro's temperature level in the system tray though, and there's been very little increase of GPU temperature increase when testing various graphic-intensive programs after a recent attempt at overclocking.

Basically, I've signed onto these forums to say a big thanks for the link to this overclocker. I've not oc'd my card by much, but for some technical types around here, is setting the core and memory of my x800Pro to 500Mhz okay? It's not a huge increase admittedly, but it has led me to a performance improvement testing the Source Engine VST, and a score of over 10,000 in 3DMark 03, which for a 12-pipe x800Pro isn't all that bad in my opinion.

Anyway, over the past few weeks, I've found myself increasingly visiting to get all my Half-Life 2/Valve related information, and I'd just like to say I think you're all doing a superb job.

Roll on Half-Life 2. I'm ready and waiting, as I think we all are. ;)
The XT cards have overclocking options built in to the drivers. No need for 3rd party programs. That said, the 2-3 FPS you might gain are probably not worth it. Check the Doom3 forums for example to find LOTS of people with problems due to overclocking.
Unless you have adequate cooling, don't OC. You'll overheat your card.

And there are other 3rd party OCing programs for Nvidia users as well.
lans said:
Use ATItool, it really helps in overclocking. It'll do the job for you - and will report any artifacts if you overclocked it too much. Much safer to do this way. Then just set the clock and save.
BTW, if anyone's interested in third-party coolers for ATI cards I can reccomend the Arctic VGA Silencer.

I have one, but haven't installed it yet. From all the reviews i've read though it seems excellent.
Application specific settings are win :)

Hope that gets intergrated.. oh wait.. ATi don't support my card.. money grabbing ****s.

I use Radclocker and common sense :)
Why hasnt anyone mentinied powerstrip?!?!?!??!? It kickas ass!!

Anyway since most people in thread are ATI users can anyone tell me why the **** my overdrive in my 9600XT doesnt work!?!?!?!?!? It used to...and then stopped working. ATI techinichians told me to re install the whole 4.7 driver, which didnt work, uninstall every 3rd party overclocking utility, which didnt work and then they told me to RMA it. RMA is when you send the card and they fix it, and hey, it came back....UN FIXED!!!!! Its pissing me off becasue as you might know each overdrive is programmed speciffically for each card, in a review in maximum pc, it only upped like 3 frames, but with me, its 10 F-ING frames!!!!! 10 frame boost. That kicks ass. The max anyone has gotten is 15 up. Now why the hell does my overdrive seize to work now?!
lans said:
Like they say: "If it ain't broke, tweak it!" ;)

you forgot the third part

"If it ain't broke, tweak it!, then you'll break it"
CB | Para said:
Better than overclocking is the simple-to-do bios flash :)

Yeah. I'm seriously tempted to do that, because I own a flashable VIVO x800 Pro (Asus AX800). However, I used to own a Sapphire 9800SE before I picked up this card, and when I attempted a soft-mod to mod it to a 9800Pro, it left me with lots of artifacts. I suppose that's what's holding me back from flashing my x800Pro to an x800XT at the moment.

My greatest nightmare would be to do this and have to play through Half-Life 2 (or not), with artifacts appearing all over the place.

However, I'll probably end up caving in and trying out the BIOS flash after I complete the game. Until then, this software overclocking trial will have to do as a temporary solution.

Thanks for the suggestion though. It's something I will be attempting at some point I feel. :)
I'm wondering if my 9800pro could be flashed to a 9800xt. How do you find out if the card has a R360 core? Do you have to look at the GPU? I probably will see it when I install my cooler...

I won't be flashing the bios untill I notice slowdown on games. According to valve a 9800pro with stock speeds is great for HL2. I don't need excellent framerates. Anything above 30 is perfect for me.

Anyway, it's supposed to be: "If it ain't broke, it don't have enough features yet.
Although my personal motto has always been: "If it ain't broke, good!
ATI4EVER! said: post

All overdrive does is dynamically overclock the card in relation to it's temperature, it's nothing that couldn't be done manually.

When you say 'doesn't work' what do you mean? The option is grayed out?
ATI4EVER! said:
Why hasnt anyone mentinied powerstrip?!?!?!??!? It kickas ass!!

yeah Powerstrip is a very neat program.. i do not use it for overclocking tho.. i use it to change the brightness and such as needed.. these other programs and the properties in windows don't work too well for me but Powerstrip has no problems doing it whatsoever :thumbs:
jabberwock95 said:
I'm wondering if my 9800pro could be flashed to a 9800xt. How do you find out if the card has a R360 core? Do you have to look at the GPU? I probably will see it when I install my cooler...

I won't be flashing the bios untill I notice slowdown on games. According to valve a 9800pro with stock speeds is great for HL2. I don't need excellent framerates. Anything above 30 is perfect for me.

Anyway, it's supposed to be: "If it ain't broke, it don't have enough features yet.
Although my personal motto has always been: "If it ain't broke, good!

Heh I have no idea what core I got but I went ahead with the flash anyway, first from 9800 to PRO then to XT. Never had any artifacts or problems, and I definitely saw an increase in framerates in games like Farcry and BF:Vietnam, plus I always got more points in the trial benchmarks of 3Dmark03 and Aqua3.

And for a GPU cooler I'm using a Zalman
ZM80C-HP & ZM-OP1 Fan
. The card stays "cool" even after a few hours of gaming :)
Its perfectly safe to overclock on stock air cooling. You wont get far tho :p Artic VGA Silencer is a great vid cooler :thumbs:
sHm0zY said:
imm too scared to overclock =(

You really don't have to.

You hardly get any performance boost (lesser than 2fold, as said by sidewinder). Let's just say 4 - 5 more frames and slightly more smoother performance in games.
jabberwock95 said:
All overdrive does is dynamically overclock the card in relation to it's temperature, it's nothing that couldn't be done manually.

When you say 'doesn't work' what do you mean? The option is grayed out?

True, all it does is overclock the card, but there is one difference: it doesnt void the warranty. If you overclock manually, it voids it.

And by "doesnt work" i mean that in the control panel, there is no OVERDRIVE panel shown. :angry:
All I have to say is,

RadLinker > ATiTool, powerstrip, Rage3d.. any of those! The only thing ATiTool has going for it is the artifacting testing crap, but if you know what your card can do, RadLinker is the way to go. :thumbs: