ATI Voucher = Steam's Bronze Package

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
We reported yesterday about the latest information on the ways you will be able to purchase Half-Life 2 upon its release.[br]
Well now, we can also confirm thanks to HLFallout's forum member, pinnappe, that holders of the ATi voucher that was originally only to grant people access to Half-Life 2, will now be granting holders full access to Counter-Strike: Source with the Bronze Steam package. Here's the original response from Valve:
The ATI coupon vouchers will be transfered automatically to the Bronze Package. We will be offering upgrades to silver and gold for additional cost, but the details have not been fully worked out yet.[br]
Steam Tech Support
It also becomes clear that voucher holders will be able to upgrade their access to the Gold and Silver packages if so desired.[br]
Thanks to our forum member, Sinnsykt, for posting the information in this thread but of course even more thanks to HLFallout's forum member, pinnappe, for finding out the information and posting it here.
Please don't complain ATI holders :(
It's nice that they have the option to upgrade.
SixThree said:
Please don't complain ATI holders :(

Why would they complain? They thought they were getting Half-Life 2 and it turns out that they are getting Half-Life 2 + CS: Source.
I wont be happy until i know how to buy DOD:Source by itself.
I'm not complaining at all. As long as the Silver upgrade is less than $50, hell yeah. I'm just glad they have an upgrade for it. I didn't want to have to buy Half Life 2 CE just to play HL:Source. The Gold makes the CE sound a little cheap if you ask me.
This is good news, things are starting to look positive again.

Valve must be pretty confident with the lawsuit, or things must have been sorted. Considering the lawsuit is over steam, and they are doing all this work on steam packages.... i can feel it coming nearer :D
Bugger. No big deal though, as long as the Silver upgrade isn't too expensive.
When the prices come out then we'll see if they'll complain or not ;)
not sure if the silver upgrade is worth it for me, might be a consumer whore and just upgrade it to gold :P

Hazar Dakiri said:
When the prices come out then we'll see if they'll complain or not ;)

And when I know what that is in £ sterling :rolling:
I have a question...

Would it still be possible to download Half-Life 2 via Steam, like in 6 or 9 months down the road? Or is it only available for a shortened period of time?
i tried to post it here first, but it wouldnt register me fast enough.
User Name said:
I have a question...

Would it still be possible to download Half-Life 2 via Steam, like in 6 or 9 months down the road? Or is it only available for a shortened period of time?
As long as you're using an account that is entitled to HL2 and whatever other games, you can always re-download the cache files if needed.
I'll be happy if we get a discount beacuse I bought a gfx card for HL2! and it was delayed X_X! lol, well if gold is cheap well less than 30 I am definently upgrading tho that :D
pinnapple said:
i tried to post it here first, but it wouldnt register me fast enough.
We apologise for that :)

The server was under tremendous strain tonight, should all be fixed up now.

/me praises Limelight Networks :)
Well, i'm an ATI Voucher holder and i'm VERY happy that we're getting the bronze package, how could I complain?!?

I'm even MORE happy that i'll be given the option to upgrade to the Gold package, and would definately pay upto $90 AUD for that particular option.

Have people HONESTLY been complaining about the ATI Voucher not being the silver package?
SWEET THATS AWSOME! Im getting a CE and have a ATI coucher that will be upgraded to GOLD!
What if I want a Retail package? I want to get the retail Collectors Edition.
Chris_D said:
We apologise for that :)

The server was under tremendous strain tonight, should all be fixed up now.

/me praises Limelight Networks :)

Hmph. I'm still mad that I bought ATI's two most expensive video cards (9700 Pro and X800) within two weeks of their initial releases and I never got a HL2 coupon for either of them...

The 9700 was a genuine ATI, the X800 was a Sapphire.

Ah well, it also means I can afford to buy HL2 :)
Indications so far (from Steam forums) are that:

1.) Upgrading from Bronze to Silver (if you got Bronze via the ATI voucher) costs about $12. I don't know if you can then upgrade to gold...

2.) If you have an ATI voucher and want a retail copy, I believe that option was made available. Google for the ATI site detailing the offer.

3.) All Half-Life 2 modifications that are free are free if you have Half-Life 2. Only if they are restricting access will you need a separate key/purchase.

Hope that helps. =)
Ok, so I found the spot to get the retail copy, but it is probably only the standard edition. I dont see anything where I can upgrade to the collectors edition. Nor do I see a contact email to see if its possible to upgrade.
I think I may just try and sell off my voucher, as it'll be a heck of a lot easier to just walk into EBGames and use my debit card.