ATI Won the war.

lol yes ATI won the "battle" this year.
The fact that Nvidia is moving into different areas is not because of this year.
They started testing markets way before this year. Remember the original Nforce motherboard? They have tested other markets too awhile ago.
ATI may have one the battle but they have not won the war.
well, thats bad actually. We want competition in the market or ATi can begin to do whatever they want.
i do love my nforce2 board, one day in the future ill get that nforce3!!! :D
hmm competition is good cmon nvidia, dont quit just cuz you got your ass whooped once ;)
I DO NOT believe this is a formal surrender.

As a matter of fact, I believe this shift of focus is the REASON that Nvidia has not confronted ATi more heavily, not the other way around.
True, Ati has beaten Nvidia in almost all benchmarks/comparisons. But Nvidia:
a) Has now developed backbone hardware (Nforce) and software development tools (Cg) for graphics. This is far-reaching, since if graphics are created with Nvidia hardware/software, then naturally more Nvidia brands will be used in games/media. (Like Puttin IE with Windows).
b) Branched into mobile technology that ATi has not even thought about.
c) Cooperated with AMD's 64-bit technology (b4 ATi) and PCI Express (Ati has shown similar interests).
d) Still has over 60% of the graphics market as of Q3 2003.

So although Nvidia did not show off the FX in this year's show (they did last year), that doesn't mean that Nvidia admits defeat and that we'll never see anything good from them again.

I think what they're doing is a "grassroots" campaign, that is, starting way down in the hardware/development tools sector to harness other markets (mobile technology, motherboards...)

Smart move for Nvidia, imo. They're not down yet.

Note: I am not an Nvidia fanboy. This is an honest analysis of the information given.
"The new NVIDIA GoForce 2150"

GoForce, LOL :p

Anyway, I dont think its a win... Nvidia is just rethinking strategy. Its a wider range they want. Every good strategist from games such as Total War knows you need a well balanced army to survive every situation :)

The problem I see is that they dont talk about new graphics hardware... Maybe the next generation isnt so fast after all. I think the win/loss of the war comes next generation. If Nvidia can match their claims, and ATI do the same, it should be a steady stalemate. If either one doesnt match it, they're in trouble.
Stock symbol: Atyt, thats all i have to say, look at the past years growth, 5 fold. If you put a hundred thousand in 6 months ago, you would have half a million.
Originally posted by richpull
Stock symbol: Atyt, thats all i have to say, look at the past years growth, 5 fold. If you put a hundred thousand in 6 months ago, you would have half a million.
*Theoretical + Wishful Thinking=Non-realistic.
Let's compare this "battle" to a previous one; nvida vs. 3dfx.

That was a war that 3dfx REALLY lost. I mean, they got bought. Because all they did was make high performace video cards. Nvidia is growing into a much, much larger company than ATI and so will begin to get advantages (economies of scale, ie more money for research, investment, etc).

Its hard to imagine nvidia disappearing the way that 3dfx did.

Also, consider the possibility of nforces becoming huge. I know that right now ATI's actually work best with nforces (better than geforces!) but I doubt that will continue to be the case.

ALso remember the nforce has a geforce all the people who buy what the salesman tells them get a nvidia card...
Nvidia still has most of the OEM sales too ;)
Hell, the way the NForces are goin, Nvidia won't have to even think about GPU's:cool:

There have been a couple ppl who have already said it, that Nvidia will become just enormous. Any engineer would love to work fo Nvidia just because they'll have so much cash to work with. So don't count them out.

However, I have an 9600 and it works awsome.
Yes, it's ture that ATI is the master of the Source engine!! And I'm quite happy I sold my stupid Gainward Ti4800se for a 9700 pro ($200, from a friend, best deal ever). I do have to congrat Nvidia for their sweeet sweeet nforce 2 boards! (I'm gona get the newest MSI one soon)