Ati x800 and upgrading.


Sep 4, 2003
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I currently have an Ati Radeon 9600xt, but seeing as I have alot of extra money kicking around I was thinking about upgrading my videocard to a Radeon x800 XT. However, I'm concerned as to whether I should even bother upgrading my videocard until I get a faster system. My system is probably a bit above average, but by todays standards it definately not super high end.

My system:

ASUS A7N8X-X Mother Board
AMD Athlon XP 3000+ CPU Retail Box 333MHz With Fan Barton
400 Watt Power Supply
1.25GB PC2700 DDR RAM

Will i get full potential out of the X800 XT on this system?

Please and thanks. :cool:
im getting 9600 xt and my brothers nvidia 5200 runs CS:S on highest settings perfectly so you only need better graphics card for halflfie2!!!
Well your RAM is more than enough, you psu is great, you mobo and cpu are good also. Getting an X800XT would be great. If you want you could upgrade to an Athlon 64 3000+, you'd also have to get a new motherboard but it would actually cost less than that X800XT. You should even have enough leftover money for a 9800 pro, if you want to do that.
Thanks for the feedback, Im seriously considering getting the card then.

I would like to upgrade to a 64 bit processor eventually as well.

I'm still glad i bought the 9600xt, not only is it a great card but i also got the HL2 voucher. :naughty:
ya on medium or high settings i bet 9600 can run halflife2 and i cant wait for it to get at my house well NP!!!!