ATI's 512MB GFX card


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
And now you can see just how awesome 512MB is! Link

Yep, those results are exactly like we said.
Implies its not worth getting as it would still be inferior to the top end 256mb cards
i guess we'll just have to keep waiting
That is a terrible card. I mean it makes sense why it got the same amount of fps on each test, but that is a pointless card. Pretty much the same speed as a regular X800XL 256, but with 512MB. I feel they should just release the R250 instead of releasing a videocard with 512MB of onboard memory.
I think that its very similar to dual core cpu's, there isn't a huge demand for them as a small amount of programs actually utilise the 2nd core. When more applications take advantage of it, then it will be good. Its the same with this new card, when games start demanding more than 256mb of onboard memory, the card will be in its prime.
Acutally Dual Core will be very nice. ;) It won't give you an increase in FPS over a higher clocked single core but that's not it's purpose either.
Wow, how disappointing. I may or may not go with Nvidia next time around. Ati's driver issues can be a pain in the neck sometimes. We shall see.
I've had more problems than i can count with the 6800gt's. Well no, actually, i can count to 3- the number of faulty 6800gt (2 of them Leadtek) grafix cards- ive recieved. (waiting on the 4th)
My faith in Nvidia is being washed away with each betrayal......yep.