ATi's voucher deal with Valve, the figures


May 28, 2004
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Did a quick search and didn't find this anywhere.

The inquirer has details on the voucher deal that ATi had with Valve, where they bundled vouchers promising a free copy of HL2 with 9600XT and 9800XT graphics cards in 2003-2004.

Text follows:

Mystery revealed

By Fuad Abazovic: Wednesday 06 July 2005, 10:41
IT WAS A HARD task to get to the bottom of the mystery of ATI's Half Life 2 voucher deal. It took us a lot of time and energy. We wrote about it on many occasions, and had some numbers, but now we've found out just how much ATI invested in this deal.

ATI gave Valve $2.4 million in cash for the deal. ATI also invested $1.2 million in marketing this great game. And last, but not least, was a cool $4.4 million that ATI and its partners spent for bundles.

That amounts to some $8 million dollars. This is a lot of money, I can agree, but ATI never sold so many mainstream and high end cards in its long history as when it bundled them with the justly famous voucher. It sold an incredible lot of 9800XT and 9600XT cards just because of the nice voucher. That small piece of paper convinced many people to go out and buy ATI card.

ATI actually benefited from HL2 being late. People were just buying and buying ATI cards because of the voucher and just to get the free game. So it was a win-win rather than a whinge-whinge deal for ATI, which recouped the money back from end users.

As for Nvidia, we can surely bet that Nvidia spends even more on its highly successful TWIMTBP marketing program, but Nvidia invests in many games and not in a single game only. A chapter in the history of vouchers has just ended. µ

Original link:
TWIMTBP is just a logo, you don't really get free games; at least as far as I know
Hazar said:
TWIMTBP is just a logo, you don't really get free games; at least as far as I know
No, you don't get free games, but nVidia pays the companies involved money to optimize their engines and games to work best on nVidia cards, so then nVidiots get an inflated ego by having the 'best' card for their particular favorite game, as well as tempting people into buying nVidia so they can play their favorite games on the 'best' cards for them.
the only problem is when ATI cards still perform better on thoes games....
The funny thing is quite a number of TWIMTBP run better on ATI hardware while the only recent GITG game that runs better on Nvidia is FEAR.
Brand loyalty is moronic.
Nvidia practically bribes some game makers to make the games run at it's best on Nvidia cards, while ATI does no such thing (Well, not to such an extent as Nvidia.)
Beerdude26 said:
Nvidia practically bribes some game makers to make the games run at it's best on Nvidia cards, while ATI does no such thing (Well, not to such an extent as Nvidia.)

Did you read the first post? Valve was given a truckload of money by ATi.
A chapter in the history of vouchers has just ended.
I read that as a unique occasion for ATI. So, yes, I read the post :p
the interesting thing i see with HL2 is that there is not a single ATI logo anywhere. Other games like Tribes: Vengeance or Guild wars show ATI logos during installation or every time you boot up the game.
Nvidia blows! They messed up BF2 so that Ti cards wont play it, yet it's playable on older ATI cards. :(
Also, GTA:SA is more or less configured to run well on NVidia cards. Or at least people with ATi cards are reporting way more problems with San Andreas than people with NVidia.
Some_God said:
Nvidia blows! They messed up BF2 so that Ti cards wont play it, yet it's playable on older ATI cards. :(

or nvidia blows because the TI cards suck for shaders.