Attack of the cooked turkeys GOBBLEGOBBLEGOBBLE!!!

  • Thread starter Princess_Frosty
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So people have made maps for HL2 now, anyone with the complied source can play them, and multiplayer even works, your character model is a chicken or a turkey on a plate with a chequerd texture, quite funny seeing them all running around the place.

Who said the hl2 source code was useless :cheese:

proof? screenshots?

and i doubt you can get MP to work cause IT NEEDS STEAM! and steam doesn't do HL2 MP yet

Edit: i want a turkey :D :bounce:
yeah this is fun? u could do that in doom.
sorry typo on the pictures, its sorted now, and its very true you can play online, you can even bind a say key :D

And no it doesnt need steam you can directly connect to IP address, and you probably will be able to when steam is out also. Steam will just be the master server.
if you have the source you can find a way around steam
Wheres the proof in those pics, i'm sure maps can be made though as WorldCraft compiles and runs!

Wel duh.. theres nothing there that proves its half life 2.. you could make those in worldcraft in 5 minutes and it would look identical to those

*Yawn* quit posting these bullshit stories
until i see some super high quality maps WITH TEH TURKEYZ i won't believe :cool:
lol its true, yeah sure you could make these in 5 mins, becuase they were, but they were made for HL2. Theres not a lot else i can do other than post screen shots of the source files which everyone knows exist, tell me what proof you want and i'll see if i can get it. And no im not sending anyone the source files you can find them yourselfs.

Anyone that doesnt believe its possible join #HL2-Soruce on
Those are the guys i played multiplayer with

P.S. Theres no super high quality maps because no maps were leaked, only the source code, no one thought it was possible to get it working and played it down, but it was complied and people quickly made some simple maps to play on. The only way we'll get super high quality maps with weapons and stuff, is if they also get leaked.
It's retarded all you can do is run around. Even if it is true.

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