Attack of the Ladybugs


Party Escort Bot
Mar 22, 2009
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Every year, at the beginning of fall, a large swarm of lady bugs comes and invades my house. Specifically my room. They cover the sides of my house, and are very annoying. I remember about 5 years back, there we thousands just all over my yard. Everywhere you went you would see lady bugs. One bug just flew into my fan, and hit the wall. I have no idea how they get in my room either. I just got new windows last fall, so theres no way thats how they get in. I'll take pictures of the bugs in a little bit when it gets worse. Does anyone have similar swarms of lady bugs, or any creatures?

This is kind of what happens.
The new Alfred Hitchcock movie: The Ladybirds.
Ladybugs have been dive bombing me, I swear.
Pics? =P

EDIT: Stupid me, I should have seen that in the first post >.< *facepalm*
now pour them on your genitals and take pics
That's freaky....even the nicest of bugs can be creepy looking en mass.
put them on your penis
I went out on my deck and there was like 45908243 all over my windows and my doors. Also, I went for a bike ride and came back covered in them.
Same thing used to happen to me. Are they yellow? If so, they're not ladybugs. They're some kind of weird Japanese beetle or something. Damn they're annoying.
we have a shitload of ladybugs around out house but not as many as you show
More or less than this? (Spoiler'd for size)

funny, i was just talking to a friend earlier today, and she mentioned how her dorm room was crawling with the things.
Those aren't ladybugs, ladybugs are red. Those are Japanese Beetles, because they are orange. Of course it may be the color balance of the photo but I want to say this because it's funny:

So I'm figuring Vegeta will be over at your location in a few minutes to rub them all over his genitals.
Take a magnifying glass and kill them, kill them all !
Japanese Beetle:


we had these in our area and once they got in the pool it was terrible. ever time you went in you'd get bit

Lady Bug:

Chiming in to say my dorm / entire campus is infested. This happens at my house back in Wisconsin, too. They're pretty gross and they piss and bite, unlike regular ladybugs. Hate 'em.