Attention - Synthetic Tactics Needs Your Help


May 3, 2005
Reaction score
Synthetic Tactics is a middle east conflict mod. It is a single player and multiplayer mod. We are currantly looking for:

Coders - 1
Modelers - 3
Artist - 1

We alreasy have 2 mappers, a excillent sound guy and 1 coder. The game is going to be a very realistic recreation of war. We are going to have 4-6 arm's. We are also going to make a match script so if you want to have clan wars we are making it possible. We will also have just normal pubs. We have planed out most of it and are just starting the process. There is going to be lots of cool and innovative ideas in this game. If you are able to help out with this mod in any way please contact me at:

Email - [email protected]
Aim - Llama Ross
Msn - [email protected]
[/B]If anyone also has any other forums were I could find modelers or coders then please tell me.