Audio Artist Required.


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Right, Basically I am here looking for an audio artist for a mod which is yet to start. The mod is for my final year final project at uni and me and friend are going to be working on a small HL2 mod. We are starting mapping out the level in the next few weeks during our pre-production faze and then from around Christmas.

I don't want to go into to much detail here with the game design because it would take all day to explain in a short post. Once the game design document is complete around Xmas I can post that if I get some interest but here is a brief over view of the idea.

Time frame we are looking at the not so distant future, humanity is in crisis, food is hard to come by jobs are even harder to find and money is worth nothing. Because of this humanity has crowed around the few remaining major cities throughout the world creating mass shanty towns. Towns made constructed of towers that reach far into the clouds with millions living in each. Crime and pollution are of course a key part of every day life, gang wars fought over the smallest parts of filthy polluted streets rage every day.

But there are still two groups of people who have a chance in this unforgiving world, the religious fanatics, obsessed with the belief that god will one day return and save all which is wrong with humanity. Secondly the technology masters, who believe that humanity dose not need some kind of manifested god to save the world but believe that technology is mans only savour.

With human crisis in mind it is not hard to see why uneducated, starving civilians stuck in a cycle of poverty would want to join one of these groups. Both of which have the money and resources to help people IF they are willing to believe and fight for a course.

Game play will consist of team/class base CTF style. CTF is hopfly quite an understatment at the moment as we are planning on doing somthing more intresting with this but nothing has been finalized.

Basicly what we will be looking for from an audio artist will be. Some kind of game theme music which will be played on the menu screen. Plus game sound effects, weapons, explostions, props. For referance Battle Field 2142 weapons.

Secondly, some pics of the feel we are looking for in the final project. NOTE! this is not our concept work, just referance.



PM me if intrested, samples would be a plus. Or email me
[email protected]

Thanks for any intrest.
be careful using someone else's concept are for your mod.....
Sorry, I'm not trying to use the concept for the mod. As we don't have anything major down on paper I'm just trying to give a sence of what we are aiming for in a final product. Sorry if i didn't make that clear in the origanal post.
"Time frame we are looking at the not so distant future, humanity is in crisis, food is hard to come by jobs are even harder to find and money is worth nothing. Because of this humanity has crowed around the few remaining major cities throughout the world creating mass shanty towns. Towns made constructed of towers that reach far into the clouds with millions living in each. Crime and pollution are of course a key part of every day life, gang wars fought over the smallest parts of filthy polluted streets rage every day."

^^^^ Sounds like you should call your mod Soilent Green :D
do you have permission to use those images? also, i cant imagine how something like that could represent a whole mod.

here are some older images, that are reminiscent of the stuff you seem to want, by me that you can use instead: (soldier kind of thing) (shanty town) (another soldier) (gritty futuristic vehicle)

they might not be the best but at least it's something you can use until you get a proper concept artist?

also, pm me with what kinda music style you're looking for, what kinda feel, tempo, type of sounds/instruments. be as descriptive as possible with the feel you want, be very visual. i've been making music for a few years, i'll try and come up with something if you reply.

i'm pretty prolific and am interested in alot of different genres, can provide anything imaginable; ambient, techno, if you want acoustic guitar playing or piano, some kind of movie like theme (no strings though), i can provide that.

i could also make sound effects, computer menu sounds or laser stuff, i like making original sounding effects.

you can also contact me on irc, i'm crazyharij on #halflife2 on quakenet.. or [email protected] for MSN, crazyharij (at) if you're into the email thing.
here's this little music doodle i made, give it a listen. i was thinking like a sort of minimal ambient piano concept, with a dark bassline and slow, steady beat.

would like to hear your opinions, might not be your type of thing but i just felt like making a little doodle to demonstrate what i had in mind.