Augmented Reality

Sep 17, 2003
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Augmented Reality (AR). The concept is simple enough, you wear a computer, the display is built into your sunglasses, and the keyboard is hanging off of your belt. Using GPS technology and a wireless internet connection, the computer matches graphic images to your view of the world.

This allows you to access an almost unlimited amount of extra information about the world. You could look at a house and know who lives there. You could glance at a store and know if they are selling the shoes that you want to buy.
There are other things that can be easily added to your computer setup. You could listen to any music you want, have a built in cellphone, play 3D video games, add night vision, add rear vision, etc.
You could create a graphic image and leave it anywhere for others to see, either just for your friends, or everyone.

The technology ALREADY EXISTS!. So far, only the military is using it.
So what do you think? Would you use AR? What other features would you want?

its intresting, but inherently augmentation is a search for individuals increase there superiority and is greed and desire based, aslong as they dont get intergrated into my body 'yet' id like to afford something like a gps unit atleast. but i dont fancy the walking computer idea. sounds like it could develop into something quite dangerous.

I think its cool, aslong long as it doesnt go too far,. (DEUS EX style)
This is allready in use in public. The fake first down line in football on tv uses augmented reality.
I would love it. When I was in 2nd grade I planned on inventing a computer on my watch. Then they invented the PDA...;(
Once it's in a contact lens, then I'm interested. If people can tell you're wearing it it may be a bit awkward.
FictiousWill said:
Once it's in a contact lens, then I'm interested. If people can tell you're wearing it it may be a bit awkward.

indeed, wearing AR is like a man wearing lingerie: Sure some guys do, but when others see it they might think he's weird or laugh at him.
I see no problem with wearing lingerie...uh this comptuer thingie.

Actually, it dpends on how big it is, i mean PDA size isnt too bad, but any larger than that and its gonna stick out a bit. Basically, if you had a PDA and some ind of blue tooth connection to the glasses (So you dont have an annoying ugly looking wire) then it wouldnt be too bad.
Yeah ATM they are 2 big but in japan they are starting to see smaller 1s coming on the market, Id give it 4-5 years and we should start seeing them widely used :smoking: .

Just make it look like an eye-patch and walk around like a pirate.

Hell, that's what I do anyway.
Arr! I see that wine shop is having a sale! Gonna get me some grog an wenches, arr!
clarky003 said:
its intresting, but inherently augmentation is a search for individuals increase there superiority and is greed and desire based, aslong as they dont get intergrated into my body 'yet' id like to afford something like a gps unit atleast. but i dont fancy the walking computer idea. sounds like it could develop into something quite dangerous.

I think its cool, aslong long as it doesnt go too far,. (DEUS EX style)

What's wrong with augmentation?
i'd wear it if it were a like a huge mech-suit thing. and it had lots of weapons. i'd definitely need a gauss rifle of some sort.. and jump-jets. i'd want a PA system that'd make my voice sound super-intimidating too. i'd want some badass racing stripes on it too, and cheesecake nose art (well, like on the shoulders or something, so "shoulder art" i guess).
Lil' Timmy said:
i'd wear it if it were a like a huge mech-suit thing. and it had lots of weapons. i'd definitely need a gauss rifle of some sort.. and jump-jets. i'd want a PA system that'd make my voice sound super-intimidating too. i'd want some badass racing stripes on it too, and cheesecake nose art (well, like on the shoulders or something, so "shoulder art" i guess).

Yes....and a chainsaw with a sniper scope on it so you could snipe people from afar with your chainsaw...
This was invented by the Bell Institute in Germany 6 years ago.
I've heard about it then and didn't cared but now...imagine 2010 games...with augmented reality...Geo-mod combined with graphics..comparable to chimp AI ...imagine total interactivity...imagine Hl4!!!!!
But what if it gets out of control? Surely with things like that people could lose touch with reality or worse, develop neck strain from having to wear a heavy headset?
The headset wouldn't be heavy. It would be a translucent LCD screen mounted in front of your vision, and instead of having a backlight (like the Gameboy Advance SP), it would be lit from behind. Obviously not very useful at night. For that you'd need a backlight. And batteries. And huge ugly mounts like glass. Maybe you're right about the heavyness. :P